

Ask @DoodleCo132

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What do you look like when you wake up in the morning?

you don't have any idea what I have to do before bed to wake up like this
What do you look like when you wake up in the morning
Liked by: Megan

What would you do if you found a celebrity's phone?

mail it back to the celebrity, just like if I found any other person's phone?

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What are two true things and one lie about you?

I am friends with an amateur porn artist, and both of my closest friends are female, yet I'm awful at existing in the same universe as a girl

Who is the bravest person you know?

A close friend of mine, a sweetheart named Mariank, is a logician much like I am. She has no senseless fears. I admire her for that, and she is my role model in more ways than one.

What was the last big mistake you made?

I didn't help someone
when polled, most elders had more regrets about what they didn't do instead of what they did.

How do you cheer up a friend when they're feeling down?

I try to find the problem and apply logic to solve it or make the friend feel better
I'm trying to stop that habit. sad people don't really want logic, they want a friend

What is (or was) your favorite class in school?

The various English courses were loads of fun and I love Physical & Environmental Science because my teacher was lovely

Happy New Year! Do you have any resolutions?

• Worry less and trust my God more
• Make new friends
• Deepen my relationships with existant friends
• Love more unconditionally
• Live out my God's will
Liked by: Bennett Ketchum


Language: English