

Ask @DylanBud

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hey dylan, daniel and jack are on our geography trip in the city and we're in the apple store cuz we finished early! hi, jacks tellin me to ask a question so is he (jack) a douche? now hes telling me to put commas in the right place and shit so punch him for me if you ever see him

He can be when he corrects everything but he's a all round cool guy and edits for me :)

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Dylan when i was a little boy my father would brutally lick me and then beat my sisters. But its ok afterwords he took us for some ice cream. Do you thinks its Osama's fault?

No, personally I would blame Gordon Brown or Barack Obama

When I was 12 I had my first sexual experience. At the time, I lived in a little suburb outside of Cleveland and anyway, the girl next door and I were really good friends. Our parents were both gone for the day and she was over playing Transformers with me. So anyway, we kinda got.. Bored I guess?

Smooth as fuck mate, did you ask her if she wanted to she your transformer?

Haha, you've answered 69 questions. Gonna do anything special for this occasion?

Yeah your parents are dead bud

Hi, I'm Daniel Jervis and I want to have anal sex with you non stop for 24 hours. Can we record it for Google Hammer? I'd love to be in the top-rated shemales. Everyone loves watching little try hard kids I've heard

As long as I get a shot at that tight virgin mouth of yours

Hi, I'm Daniel Jervis and I want to have anal sex with you non stop for 24 hours. Can we record it for Google Hammer? I'd love to be in the top-rated shemales. Everyone loves watching little try hard kids I've heard

Yeah sure

Dylan, I have to say that... well... If I got the chance I would brutally murder you with a shovel! :D Have a nice day! For now.

Thanks man, sure I mean there's only another 39 minutes so ill try mad enjoy it

Hi, I'm Jack Judd and I want to have full frontal sex with you. Can we record it for PornHub? I'd love to be in the top-rated gay porn. Everyone loves watching little emo kids I've heard.

Sure ill use my PVR

I just want to say Dylan, you are the funniest, nicest guy ever and sixth form with you is going to be awesome

Who ever the fuck this is I love you

"Would engage in intercourse with me if offered the choice?" I sir, am Janiel Dervis Nah, just kidding. It's me, MintyPhaggot

I owe you for the edits so yeah sure, overly long haired fag

"Would engage in intercourse with me if offered the choice?" I sir, am Janiel Dervis

Oh yes sir I'd fuck your mouth so hard


Language: English