

Ask @DylanHolm13

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U used to be they're everydya

Yeah I 'used' to be,I'm still they're most of the time just not always!

Last thing you laughed at?

When Emily said 'I'm not coming out if Dylan's they're I hate him! Hahahah I laughed so much!!

does it matter if he couldn't afford to go on one? they con you anyway, they charge you far too much for only 3 days abroad, I never went away&im glad I didn't, from what I was told it was a massive waste of money&no one enjoyed it, so pipe down&leave him alone eh

megandunne1’s Profile PhotoMegs.
Thank you Megan!:-)x

because you cant afford to go on one? not suprised

Hahahah I could afford it actually I just didnt want to go?
Liked by: Megs.

It's not Brad eh!! He don't spell like that. It's someone pretending to be like him. He usually uses Chavy talk.

Oh right okay? I don't care who it is just come of anon?
Liked by: Erin Lily Graves


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