єzєkiєℓ ♤ [military]


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Do you have a special tradition for New Year’s celebration?

Been having this habit where I would always say on the 31st of December "just do it next year" and by 'next year' I mean the very next day xD
Also here's my 2k16 review!!
Liked by: Elif Ruby

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Do you have any rituals? Doesn't have to be religious, just specific things you do within a certain time frame (before bed/waking up, daily, weekly, yearly) Common ones are brushing teeth, bathing, Christmas gatherings etc

Sadly, breathing is one of my rituals.. also existing. In all seriousness though, I have to have time for myself like once a week (or a month). I think that's all~

What are your thoughts on forum awards? are there only a group of people who always win? do you like it or do you think its toxic, should it continue?

Answering with the other question: "Who's going to host the Form Award this year?"
Whoever wants to host it, I guess. I mean it's not really mandatory, right?
In my opinion, though, people should just do these kind of topics for fun (I hope this was the main idea of making it in the first place. Sorry if it's not, Bekah/Michael) and not for winning through the act of cheating/bribing. It's not like you get to rule the whole universe when you win. I mean you don't have to win everything, ya know?
Liked by: [gtaPC] eth Marisa

What subject do you dislike the most and why?

Politics/Government/History. I know they're all vital and I have to know 'em and such, but it's just really boring and killing me slowly.. so if you send (or have already sent) me a question about presidential elections or what do I think about Trump/Clinton, I probably won't give a helpful answer.. bc deep down I really don't care, sorry.

Describe the start of your forum experience!

Funny thing is, I just started posting. I was really oblivious, forumwise. Didn't care if I was spamming the forum games or what not (soz mods and peeps), but it was hella much fun cus that's when I made friends. I still remember posting and getting rejected, yea, no I'm not going into details ahha.
Guess, it's more fun when you're oblivious about everything around ya.

How are you different now then when you first joined forums?

I used to be hella friendly towards people. I was a bit more socially active. I used to post around the feedback/discussion area.
Now I just don't post anything productive. I acknowledge ideas, but not comment on it regardless if it was a beneficial/crucial proposal or not. I only post on the game/art sections nowadays, just less posting now, that is.
I'm in my shell and loving it.
Liked by: [gtaPC] eth Marisa

What frustrates you the most?

People who copy you to bits and pieces. Literally, they approach (cough or steal) your friends, pretending they're you. They mimic the way you talk/type, act, do, dress, basically everything that makes you, you.
Where yo originality at though?
I'm flattered, really, but I have my own limits too. I don't really get what you're trying to prove, but please stop pretending as if no one notices it. Trust me, as a silent individual, I see everything -- I just don't react to it.
Liked by: [gtaPC] eth Tifa Marisa

Widowmaker has that ass though

Mercy got that ass too! <3 I am in love with all the heroes! Also, just wanna share this beautiful/epic squad goals pic. We also all played as Lucio, Reaper, and Pharah and won all of em xD

7. If you were to get a warning on the forum, who would you blame? Also, do you believe moderators and administrators get too much blame for one's actions?

I'm pre much that person who doesn't point fingers at anyone even if I wasn't the one at fault. I would just take the blame, I guess. I think mods/admins get too much blame bc some people have no one to blame when they surely 100% know they were at fault (and yes, their pride is higher than the Empire State Building) and is looking for someone to blame for their own action. That or they actually think the mods/admins personally don't like them for whatever reason

6. How would you describe the new forumers?

I'd say they're pretty fun-ish, loud and hyper.. most of them at least :P. I haven't really seen much new forumers lately that actually stay for long (like those who joined last year -- Juliet, Troye, etc etc), some just stay for a few weeks/months and leave the forums but are very active on live


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