єzєkiєℓ ♤ [military]


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Nobody will know!! Only we know! If you never been there until that time, did you like it there? OMFG did you like their food? They give those mre food pack things cries. I know a secret about them that you may need to know, but you alive, so you probably fine.

I HATED THEIR FOOD SO MUCH. Sorry (not sorry) but those mre foods are uck to me.. ok maybe I like the bacon in cheddar one xD other than that nope! And how do I know we're talking about the same place? ;] I've been told there's more than one camp.. bloop. Hurry tell me the secret, I'm going back tomorrow <3

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I was eating yakisoba again! Aren't you like part Asian? Oh my god. My sister in law's mom is Filipino and makes the greatest bakalava everrr. Someone used to tell me she was Japanese but I found out later she was Filipino like what how you get the two messed up.

oh my god how do you get Japanese confused with Filipinos?! xD but ughh I havent tried baklava yet!! Is it the sweet one with like nuts or something?

What ungratefuls on forum are you talking about?

I've encountered so much lately:
* Giving zoes pass to someone who was so desperate; I had a spare and what was the outcome? "Ok can u offer it to me" literally, no "thank you" or anything.
* Same thing as above but with a res pass + other smalls and different person.
* I was giving away girl items. This "person" (who is now a nobody/dead to me | actually glad I'm not associated with her and her dramas anymore) added my girl account and I gave her a few items that she requested (loved those since they were a collection of mine), after a few days later she deleted and blocked my main account.
So many more that I prefer not to blab about it anymore.

That's good haha, and oh god the food... I feel so bad for you *sends you a goodie basket full of nutella* how many years training have you got to do? Good luck, and I am doing fine thanks, back to college on tuesday though and two 12 hour shifts on saturday and sunday ;-;

I have so many years to go! I'm trying to build up muscles if you know what I mean.. (bc I look like a wimp). And aww isn't 12 hours kinda too much? Either way, good luck wishing you the best! ;-;

Hiya, how's the training going? I'm not exactly sure what it is you're doing, whether it is training or if you have finished that, I don't know. But anyway, hope they're not too harsh on you haha, at least you get long holidays! well you do here anyway

Jaaaaccs!!! Training is cool it's just the food ;( I haven't finished yet I'm going back next week ^^ and they're pretty harsh on us! Cri.. but I hope you're doing great!!


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