єzєkiєℓ ♤ [military]


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I agree with your forumer question 100% but best thing on that imo is Lyneth for next mod. Like yes pleasseeeee! The current mods are great but Lyneth (Anna) would be pretty cooool. 😎

Answering this cus Anna needs to see this hahaha. Lyneth, everyone wants you to be a mod! If that ever happens, I'll stop eating Nutella and that's a promise and you all know how much I love Nutella. . .

What was your first concert? No matter how embarrassing - let's hear it.

Ok don't hate me for this. My first concert was this year.. to a.. Katy Perry Prism Concert.. ok don't hate.. umm I was forced to go with my crush (this was before I met Juju).. All I did was buy food and ate them all.. if you're wondering why I didn't share it's because she was all up on Katy Perry and I'm just there sitting like I'm lost.. ever since then I regret going to that concert.. I lost my concert virginity to Katy Perry

Who are the top three....Nicest Forumers, Most respected forumers, Most likely to be the next mod and best artists?

Alright I'm trying to avoid putting people twice so I'm so sorry if you feel like you're in the wrong category hahah!
Nicest Forumers:
1.) Mojo Juju (Jujubean)
2.) Ooie (Hoodlum)
3.) morakini
+ more
Most Respected:
1.) Seductive Prince (hi Toddski!)
2.) Billie
3.) Sunehra
Best Artists:
1.) Drewtumblrlim (happy bday son)
2.) Invoker
3.) Regular
+ so many more
Most likely to be the next mod:
1.) Lyneth (hi Anna!) #makeithappen
2.) Bekah #thisonetoo
3.) Um *insert a random future GUY mod*
I can just imagine a ghetto mod saying; "Locking this hood yo" LOL, but no.. let's not do that...
And to the others who I've spammed before (meaning the ones I follow), you deserve the "VIP to Ezekiel" title.. so don't worry if I didn't mention your name ;*

Related users

whoop, I wasn't the only one. I'm a naturally competitive person so those soccer pictures made me want to "step up my game" and show off my own soccer skills before realising that not everything is a competition. (I shouldn't send this I'm so embarrassing)

Don't be afraid to show off your skills, don't let people hate on you for being an awesome soccer player. You never know you might be better than anyone else with your ball control haha. Now to answer your other question, yes, we should play soccer/football some time ;D

What is something (positive) that you've always wanted to say to a forumer that you were too nervous to say/never got around to saying/etc.? AND/OR Who are 3 forumers that you'd like to become closer to.

Queen B
Welp I've always wanted to tell forumers that they should get adblock if they haven't yet, personally hate seeing those disturbing ads. In more seriousness, I can't choose 3 since I seriously want to become close to everyone (yes that includes you, Bekah o:<). I'm more wanting to be close to guy forumers as well. 90% of my friends are females, 3% I don't even know if they're a girl or boy (Drewfblim/Elliot will know). Overall, I want to inform every forumer that I'm glad I joined the forums, and glad to know humanity still exist. I just want to thank most of the forumers for being kind to me and for those who welcomed me as their fam, that's all ^^

Describe your personality! What is one thing you like about it? What is one thing you dont like?

forumer friend
I hate how I can never hold a grudge to anyone, and how I can always forgive someone right after a fight. I have such a weak heart. I guess the only good thing about me is I'm very observative and I act like nothing happened.. but you and I know something DID happen (; so in other words I'm a stalker

What is your favourite forum game?

Emilyy ❤️
Ruby's EYB is probably my most favorite forum game since I LOVE collecting badges in real life (by badges I mean rotc ribbons), her badges are cute and I get into "friendly" competition *cough with Billie cough* and where everybody wants to kill me for getting more badges. Then comes Baker's Dozen. Oh and Around The World Game, cus sometimes you can just post gibberish places and nobody even knows if it exist or not like this one person posted "nutellaWorld" xD

Ejbabe, are you okay? ;___; worried about you gwapo

Aw thank you Rubynhood ganda, but I think I'm out for a while. I got attached with reading books. Thank you for worrying about me, but no need to <3 Take care and don't forget the words I taught you in Tagalog. You better be good at it when I come back, jk. Though seriously, no need to worry. Sorry for posting this gwapo! <3

HO on yourself? What do you think other forumers think of you?

forumer friend
I think others think of me as an annoying imbecile lool.. Though I like how some forumers tell me I'm well liked by others when I have like 20 enemies on live, I guess I have a split personality. I can say that I'm not nice as what you guys think I am in real life. I'm a snob in rl, maybe it's just me, I hate people in my hs and work that's probably why. I like video games, reading books, technology stuffs, food, anime, music/art, sports. As some may now, I'm a current jv soccer player at my school, I also am going to be a senior this year which is a yay cus I don't like people here. I'm also still learning how to play alto saxophone, jazz is sexy. I most likely play the guitar and ukulele, sometimes I play the xylophone and the piano. I don't like spoiled brats, greedy people, lazy people who depends on hard workers and smooch off of them and most importantly, people who only talk to me when they need something. Anyways, thank you guys for the compliments I really appreciate that. I'm kind of out for a bit, I'm confused about forumers saying they don't like the new forumers so I've decided to seclude myself for a while and stay away from the dramas (though I'm watching you guys). I have problems about real life stuffs too and need time to think with fresh air. Yes mother nature helps.

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