єzєkiєℓ ♤ [military]


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If you could change something about you what would it be? This can be physical, emotional or an improvement. Why would you want that to change? If it's emotional/improvement what's stopping you from doing it?

I've always wanted to change into a whole different person due to some people taking advantage of my good side. I've always wanted to be a jerk; Me not caring, me being a liar, etc.. but the thing is I could never do it no matter how much I try :P Therefore, I don't think I'd want to change anything massive about myself. I just want to improve myself by eating Nutella less which is a struggle to me bc there's a big jar staring at me atm~

What is something that you've learned in school that has helped you out of school or what did you learn that you never knew? Mine would be that I learned there was more than just a Holstein cow. I only saw those types of cows, so I thought there was no other breeds.

Cows are very interesting indeed. 90% of what I know now came from school/teachers so I have to give props to them. I learned that everyone really sucked and I just wanted to get out of school ASAP 😂

How would you live your life if you had a week to live? How would you live your life if you had 5 years left to live? How would you live your life if you were going to live forever?

A week left to live = eat food, become obese. 5 years left to live = do whatever I haven't done yet from my bucketlist. Eternal life = me trying to figure out how to end myself bc I wouldn't want to see everyone I know to die and me still on this living hell haha

Do you miss recess? Was recess the only time you would ever actually exercise? What was your favorite thing about going out to recess?

Haha this brings back memories so much! I kinda do miss recess. I still continued to exercise after not having it anymore though. I don't normally know how recess went for others, but ours was different. Sometimes it would be outside, sometimes inside. We would turn up inside of course and the adults would get mad at us and give us detention. Outside recess was a different story, it was way more fun too! I was drinking water and this one girl told a super funny joke and then the water I just drank went down through my nose.. horrible experience... ohhh the memories~


Language: English