
Josh Evans

Ask @Eatbabies

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Biggest ragret?

not believing I had the right to feel a certain range of emotions in response to a certain situation.

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Most unexpected change to your life in the past year?

the new friends I have made I would say, but alot of shit has happened that I have not expected at all.
Liked by: Emma Perry

JOSH I FUCKING LOVE YOU everything about you is so amazing your ponytail like legit i get so wet just looking at it and your face is so perfect i would make out with it and then we would marry and you can impregnate me also good job at the talent show um yep

well the first part was nice............

What is your honest opinion of yourself. No judgement

It changes day to day, I like myself for the majority of the time, but as expected there are times where it is not the case. I think I am good at being considerate with other people, I can be extremely obnoxious at times and incredibly lazy. I am not very good at motivating myself and I think that is what I like least about myself. I also am either extremely timid quite, or loud and in everyones face, there is no real middle with me, I don't like that very much either.

think of your closest friends, and describe them each with only three words! go!

Emma: charismatic, loving, cherish
Amy: confusing, idealistic, the shit
Joel: ladies,ladies, bestest.
Connor: fish, funny, intimidating
Justin: jock, caring, weird
Noah: shy, ladies, happy
Larissa: scary, face, tree.
Liked by: Emma Perry

It doesn't even matter that you guys fucked up technically because what made the performance incredible is your raw talent that shined through despite minor glitches. So good job.

hahah alright thankyou! I appreciate it, really do, thankyou.

Youre performance moved me to tears, You are a stunning performer and vocalist. keep on singing please

I fucked up so many times you dont even know. But ill try thankyou <3


Liked by: Chelyn Graziano

You were really good in the talent show today.

we messed up alot so I wasnt really satisfied with the performance, but thank you that is very kind.

If you could leave tomorrow with a one-way ticket, where would you go?

France probably, i know thats not exactly a very unique place to go, but I really want to go see the art scene there and especially the museums.

If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now?

Listening to music in a dark room, or camping, both are great experiences to have with someone.

Is your life anything like it was two years ago?

I cant think of a single similarity. Life's completely different and so am I and its nice; its nice knowing things can change so much in such little time.

Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?

Not an absolute no, but if It came to have I ever wanted someone I didn't think I couldn't have, then yes, on multiple occasions.


Language: English