
Emma Perry

Ask @ermapert

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How do you go about telling a girl that you love her?

Well first of all make sure you really mean it like REALLY MEAN IT its not something to be said or taken lightly make sure it isnt just infatuation or some sort of deepset loneliness finally being filled. Once youve made sure wait for a time either when she least expects (like cut her off mid speech and say it or stop short on the sidewalk and grab her shoulders and say) or when there's a beautiful moment. MAINTAIN EYE CONTACT. I hope it goes spectacularly !!! why are you asking me this ??

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tomorow is your birthday

first I should tell you Ive been completely obsessed with fairies/faeries since I was little I used to draw them all the time, make up little stories, look for them in the moss, wear my wings frequently and paint them onto boxes and bookmarks that i would then sell at the yuletide bazaar. And quite honestly I still believe in them hehe anywho INTERNATIONAL FAIRY DAY IS MY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(also thankyou for knowing that :) who are you?)

I think your perfect cause you're smart, you're funny, you're beautiful and when you smile it just seems to brighten the day and make everything better. And you're the kindest most sweetest person i know.

I have no idea what to say I am so overwhelmed THANKYOU FOR THINKING THAT YOU FOOL THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU I am so incredibly grateful that you took the time to say that. please tell me who you are . ?

celebrity crushes ?

Adrien Brody, Carey Mulligan, Benedict Cumberbatch, Liv Tyler, Rooney Mara, Eva Green, Christina Hendricks :))))

How important is the first date?

Hmmm well it's importance lies on how interested I already am in the person, if I'm already intrigued and have a good idea of the person then I'll be incredibly forgiving if the date is catastrophic but if I'm unsure of the person the first date is quite important and probably the deciding point on whether I give up or not . The first date setting is important I think, it tells a great deal about the person usually. But I dont know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Ive been on very few dates .
Liked by: Ashley Young

If you could play any musical instrument, what would it be?

this is stupid but I love the sitar so much so probably the sitar or the cello or the stand up bass really any string instrument or anything but alas I am musically inept
Liked by: Ashley Young

who are your favorite game of thrones characters and why if you dont mind :)

I havent read the books yet so bear in mind this is solely based off the show! 1.Samwell: because he has the purest most ginormous heart there is 2. Tyrion: this doesnt need an explanation 3. Shae: I dont really know why but she's a species of her own .4. Daenarys: because she's clever, strong, compassionate and the cooooolest . 5.Hordor: hordor hordor hordor hordor

I'm sorry I have to say all this through ask, I just can't do it in person. Talking to you has been one of the wildest things I've gotten to experience. I hope you find a man who treats you like the fairy you are. I'll try and spend as much time as I can with you before I leave. Much love...

WOW I DONT KNOW WHAT TO SAY TO THIS oh my oh my my my thankyou so much sosoosososososososmuch WHO ARE YOU???? and why will you be gone forever soon? thankyou so much for taking the time to say this THANKYOU SO MUCH
Liked by: Gay Baby

You're an amazing fucking person, Emma. I'm going to be gone forever soon, and unfortunately I'm too scared too say this to your face, but I fucking love you. You're beautiful, inside and out. Haven't known u long, but I'm really glad I met you. You have a beautiful mind. You're vibrant. You glow.


Who's cholo?

he's barely ever at school but he's an amazing artist and his presence and mannerisms are just so cool . He's asian and quite thin with thick glasses and wild hair and he's really really quiet and he's always and the back of art .

Who do you admire from afar at Carroll, like people you think have talent or just someone you admire in general that you don't know all to well?


Do you think it means more or less if someone compliments you non - anonymously? P.s. you're gorgeous.

Bradyn Taylor
BRADYN THANKYOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It depends on the person !! BRADYN !!!!!!!!!


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