

Ask @Edwing_Jared

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This phrase shows us that any situation has many paths. When you just experience one, you lose millions of other possibilities that can lead to an even better result. It is necessary to explore life and the world, to create experiences. Only then will you grow and become richer inside!??

ZOREIAAR____’s Profile Photo''((zOrEiAaR*☞```
Exactly, life is full of experiences both good and bad, best of all is to learn from them and improve as a person.

Criticizing and judging when we are out of a situation is much easier than looking into ourselves. We often criticize others for what we ourselves do but we can not see. So do not point the finger at others and take a few minutes to reflect on your own behavior, trying to always improve??

ZOREIAAR____’s Profile Photo''((zOrEiAaR*☞```
So it should be, however criticizing becomes a necessity, can not be avoided?

When, in life, one door closes for us, there is always another that opens us. In general, however, we looked with such regret and resentment toward the closed door, that we did not perceive the other that opened??

ZOREIAAR____’s Profile Photo''((zOrEiAaR*☞```
We never realize it at the exact moment, if not until after and it is too late.
Liked by: Are Díaz❤


Language: English