
Seda Heva

Ask @ElfInTheRedHood

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"It could very well be nothing... Perhaps I'll have to find out." *Somehow they have managed to reveal Discordance.*

IllusoryDarkness’s Profile Photoᴡᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇʀ ⛧
*she lets out a scared shriek it was clear she was afraid of Discordance covering her head* Please don't hurt me..!

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"You probably don't, but that matters little to some..." *Its own aura may begin to clash with the other.*

IllusoryDarkness’s Profile Photoᴡᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇʀ ⛧
I just wish I could understand what he wants. I don't have enemies it seems quite odd .. What he wants to achieve but I'm stumped.

"By something other than I, hm?" *Chuckles grimly.*

IllusoryDarkness’s Profile Photoᴡᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇʀ ⛧
No no I find you quite pleasant! I welcomed you in here. I wouldn't dare say something so harsh to a new friend! He however was not invited.. *Wanderer can sense a powerful being behind her despite not being visible at all the magic remains like a aura*

*Though it's true Wanderer cannot see nor hear him, they still sense the presence of another entity. The cup is placed down, and it folds its hands on the table.* "Are you alright?"

IllusoryDarkness’s Profile Photoᴡᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇʀ ⛧
I'm being haunted. It's rather alarming. I never intended harm towards anyone yet ..Fate hasn't been so kind.*he notices a scratch appear on her cheek fresh blood dripping of it*

*he glides his claws through her hair* Dax would be enraged if something happened to one of his creations without his influence. Unfortunately for you making his blood boil is my favorite past time.*he slowly slices her cheek drawing blood*

ChaoticNightmarishGod’s Profile PhotoDiscordance
*she winces *I don't know who you're talking about. You're speaking nonsense..!

You're much to sweet and naive.They'll eat you alive out there. Weaklings don't make it very.*he had transformed himself to look like the wolf *

ChaoticNightmarishGod’s Profile PhotoDiscordance
*she tries to look away not wanting to address the fear she's feeling*

"It is what I am. The Wanderer." *Like The Doctor in Doctor Who lol.*

IllusoryDarkness’s Profile Photoᴡᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇʀ ⛧
I see. *she seems alarmed by something lost in thought he probably can't see Discordance* Well you're welcome here . I'm not one to judge anyone. It's nice to not be alone for once.

*The elf lady feels a tug on her hair claws grazing her face* It been a minute little red.~You forgot to seal the circle. *he whispers in her ear* You wouldn't want that wolf coming back ~

ChaoticNightmarishGod’s Profile PhotoDiscordance
*she shivers fearfully*I don't want trouble please..

"The tea is quite alright. I always enjoy a good cup. We used to collect all sorts."

IllusoryDarkness’s Profile Photoᴡᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇʀ ⛧
I wish I could travel but I'm not the adventurous type.I try to avoid danger. I'm a pacifist at heart . Oh I'm Seda it's my pleasure to have you as a guest in my cozy little cottage.

"Patience is a virtue, no?"

IllusoryDarkness’s Profile Photoᴡᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇʀ ⛧
Indeed the last guest I had over was quite unpleasant.*she gestures to the large claw marks in her wall along with a chair being shredded on the top* Guess that's on me for trusting a sneaky wolf. I had hoped it would have ended differently but he was driven by the desire of satisfying his hunger not his heart. *They noticed the lady's arm was wrapped up in red tinted bandages * It was my foolish mistake. *she seems to brighten up noticing them once again* How is the Tea is it to your liking?

*It looks around the cottage, sitting down at the table. In preparation, it adjusts the bandages.*

IllusoryDarkness’s Profile Photoᴡᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇʀ ⛧
*she comes back later with her Tea china pouring them a fresh cup sitting across from them*Thank you for your patience I can't remember the last time i had a decent visitor.

*Bowing its head to pass the doorframe, the being stares down at her.* "Tea sounds wonderful."

IllusoryDarkness’s Profile Photoᴡᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇʀ ⛧
Make yourself comfortable.Ill get the kettle started.*she smiles warmly heading towards the kitchen in the next room*

*It slowly follows her, wings shrinking down somewhat so they are no longer dragging across the forest floor.* "Many thanks..."

IllusoryDarkness’s Profile Photoᴡᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇʀ ⛧
*once they enter she closes the door inviting a strange creature into her home* Make yourself at home. Would you like some tea or coffee? I have some bread and cookies if you're hungry.

"Ha... No manner of monster will I fear... Yet I appreciate the kind offer. I suppose I shall accept."

IllusoryDarkness’s Profile Photoᴡᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇʀ ⛧
Follow me.*she leads them towards her home a small cottage in the middle of a patch of meadow surrounded by Darkwoods on every side.She had a small pond, a water well and a garden near her home it was clear she lived out there alone*I assure you'll feel quite welcome you can rest here as long as you need. *She opens the door inviting them inside how sweet*

*The figure speaks in an odd language, moving its hands in a hypnotizing manner. A small vial manifests out of thin air, which is quickly consumed.* "... Traversing the realms... takes it out of one..."

IllusoryDarkness’s Profile Photoᴡᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇʀ ⛧
A lost traveler? These woods are infested by monsters and beasts alike. My cozy little cottage isn't far I can lend you shelter till you are ready to continue your travel. *She seems quite friendly despite the spooky appearance in front of her*

"Species, or close enough to whatever in Hylia's name he's supposed to be."

AngryBlueLink’s Profile PhotoBlue
Intriguing I thought all demons were trapped guess he's an exception .

"I mean- the guy calls himself a demon, so it's not like it's an insult, I just get annoyed with him." *He flushes slightly*

AngryBlueLink’s Profile PhotoBlue
He calls himself a demon? It seems quite odd for someone to address themselves as such..Aren't demons evil? Or is it like his species in a way? *She wasn't trying to make him uncomfortable*

*It turns towards her, completely covered in bandages. Hands raise up, parting those covering its mouth. All it does, is let out a heavy breath.*

IllusoryDarkness’s Profile Photoᴡᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇʀ ⛧
*she smells the sweet flowers glancing back in their direction now Looking at them gleaming curiosity in her eyes. She seems to be assessing if this new stranger was a threat or not*


Language: English