

Ask @AngryBlueLink

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Understood. *she stands up cleaning her hands* It should be somewhat safe here right? At least it is safer than outside.. *she looks around*

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
[[sorry having panic attacks]]
"No safer place in Hyrule."

Frowning, his exaggerated mustache slumping comically . "Tch ... You youngsters are no fun . What happened to the reckless youths from when I was your age, who'd gladly risk their lives for wealth or wenches ??"

metallicmadness’s Profile PhotoI ʜᴀᴛᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʜᴇᴅɢᴇʜᴏɢ ﹗﹗
"Well Green's Bi, he might be interested in wenches"
*Though Blue seems to recoil just saying the word*

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*rustling in the bushes* *emerges dressed in a wizard's outfit he bought online to blend in* "Gyohohoho ... Good afternoon, young man !!"

metallicmadness’s Profile PhotoI ʜᴀᴛᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʜᴇᴅɢᴇʜᴏɢ ﹗﹗
*Startling Blue was a BAD idea as that hammer he has resting on his shoulders. The moment he was spooked by a guy who looked like a Wizzrobe that hammer came off his shoulder and was swung full force into the stomach of the interloper*

Alright I'll try to stay quiet I don't want to alarm anyone. Lead the way! *She gets down on all four walking more like a quadruped.Sinking both her back talons and front claws into the ground with each step to try and help strengthen her grip*

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
*A few people give Neo odd looks, but Blue waves them off saying he thought Red would be interested in the little creature. Which apparently is a completely normal thing that happens so after Blue explains no one bats an eye. Eventually they make it into the Castle*
"Ok you can probably stand up now, but if anyone aside from Dot or the Colors approaches pretend to be an animal"

Mmh...!*she looks flustered now trying to switch the conversation* Are we almost there? *They had been walking for some time now since neo couldn't move very fast*

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
"Yeah switch to all fours we're about to reach castle town"

Well... I have a type for predatory creatures it's gotten me almost devoured more times than I can count by my Exes or potential lovers.. It comes more from envy over how strong and confident they are! An exact opposite to my small fearful prey self. *she is clearly embarrassed now*

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
. . .
"So I was kinda right?"
*He rubs the back of his head, a slight blush forming on his face*

Obsession can be a dangerous thing I would know. *her fur fluffs up slightly remembering her Exes shaking off that feeling* I try to stay far away from romance too many near death experiences. *that might have sounded really confusing*

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
"Well at least for those two it isn't just obsession but actual love between them which tempers it. Too many near death experiences, what do you have a thing for bad boys?"
*Blue teases slightly*

Shadow's something special.. Kinda scary but his loyalty to Vio is quite admirable. Guess love is a powerful thing. *Neo shrugs* Aren't you and Red together?

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
"Yes, though we're not nearly as obsessed with one another as those two are. . . then again I'm not sure that's even possible, they're both literally crazy about one another."

It's worth at least trying. You guys have been so kind to me. Guess hylians aren't as rude as humans from my world. Everyone there treated me like a menace that needed to be captured or something amusing to look at. There's not really respect for someone my size. *She scratches behind her ears*

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
"Well considering during our first adventure, before we had split mind you. We had to interact with a mouse sized race called the Minish countless times in order to restore the Four Sword to seal Vaati the first time. The broken Four Sword had originally been created by the Minish after all. So we're a lot more accepting of some of the stranger races than most Hylians"
*Blue chuckles*
"I mean we keep Shadow after all."
Its worth at least trying You guys have been so kind to me  Guess hylians arent
Liked by: Shadow Red

She expects the world of me. I need to shower and wear clean clothes and deodorant EVERYDAY. Are all girls like this with their boyfriends or does she just have high standards??? What do I say to her???

". . . I'm now greatly worried as to what your regular hygiene standards are. . ."
She expects the world of me I need to shower and wear clean clothes and

Dax is the one I have the most experience with. He claims I'm his favorite toy taking joy in torturing and tormenting me. He's the reason I fled to Hyrule. This isn't a fashion statement I can't take it off. Just a painful reminder. *she flips over her collar's tag the word Dax engraved on the back*

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
"Our Grandfather runs a forge, and all of us can smith, it might be possible to break the collar."

I see. Well where I'm from we have four gods .Dax as the god with the role of creator/destroyer, Darcy the goddess of fate and time, Discordance the god of chaos. Lastly the most powerful Pandora the mother, the main goddess who created the other three. Corruption seeps through the cracks.

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
"Huh your gods all sound kinda evil, pretty sure they're not supposed to all be that way."

Demise? *she doesn't recognize that name*

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
"Ugh I don't really know much about him to be honest, just it's a name of some sort of evil god Vio's found in mythology about the Hero of the Sky a lot. He's a God, but he's Evil, that's all I know."

I guess you're right. Heroes aren't common in my world. Happens when the gods who control everything are corrupted.

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
"Corrupted Gods, you mean like Demise?"

You must have a lot of strength behind you ! But I guess that's to be expected for an experienced hero.

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
"Yeah I guess I am... I mean all of us are strong just in our own ways."

Got it! Sounds like a good plan. Weird question but... How heavy is that hammer of yours? *she asks following beside him *

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
"Heavy enough that a normal Hylian needs both hands to lift it, I've been using it for so long I can easily swing it with a single hand"
*It was heavy enough to crush Goth when the child tried stealing the hammer*
Liked by: Neo

I'm faster at digging or climbing thanks to these claws but yeah running isn't my forte. The locals won't freak out on me when we get there right? I'm not exactly threatening at all but I know my appearance is unusual.

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
"Just walk on all fours in town, they'll assume you're some animal I rescued to show Red"

Magic is still pretty weird to me not completely uncommon where I'm from but never really played out in my story.*he might be confused by her forth wall break Neo is one of the only creations of Dax to be self aware* I already feel more safe with you around,lead the way!

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
*Blue just raises a brow at her, he's heard @PyromaniaRed and @forgottenfifth break the Fourth Wall but he himself hasn't done it. So he's confused but it sounds familiar to him since two of the five have said stuff like this before*
*He hefts his hammer over his shoulder and starts walking back towards town*
"I'll try walking slowly since I doubt you can move as quickly on those little legs of yours."

Wha?*she was surprised that her fatal wounds instantly disappeared standing up she's shocked by the fairy magic* I um .. Thank you you're a lifesaver.

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
"Yeah, yeah, I'd say it's no big deal but Green's gonna give me flack for using a fairy like I did. Those are supposed to be reserved for if any of us end up near death. Which when you're a Link happens a Din Damned awful amount of times. Look just follow me, the monsters around here aren't gonna fuck with the guy who can hit them off to the horizon with his hammer."
Whashe was surprised that her fatal wounds instantly disappeared standing up

It hurts so much.. I don't think I can even stand right now. I barely escaped. If you could at least put me back up in the tree I appreciate it. They'll snatch me up soon if I'm stuck on the ground. *She's visibly shaking now in a pool of her own bl00d it was clear she needed his help*

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
"Ah Shit"
*Blue pulls something out of his bag, it's a bottle, he kneels next to Neo pulling the cork off the bottle. A little ball of pink light with wings flutters over Neo healing all her wounds. Fairies are life-savers*
"There you're fixed up, and can follow me back to town so the monsters don't get you."
It hurts so much I dont think I can even stand right now I barely escaped If you
Liked by: Neo

*she sits up covered in several injuries leaking green liquid from her wounds* I'm not sure. Everything is really fuzzy right now. The monsters out here are brutal.

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
"Well yeah, the monsters out here can kill and eat full grown Hylians, you'd be like a bite sized snack to them... are you able to walk, I really don't want to risk getting your blood on my clothes."
Liked by: Neo

*it indeed smells like blood continuing to drip down there is a faint rustling from the tree eyes staring down at him a crunch sound is heard the branches breaking as the small blue creature tumbling onto the ground.*

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
*Blue quickly moves his boot away from the falling bloodied creature. A look of disgust on his face at almost getting green blood on him*
"Wait, don't I know you?"
Liked by: Neo


Language: English