

Ask @forgottenfifth

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[[Hey guys]]

forgottenfifth’s Profile PhotoShadow
[[I'm recovering from the con, there's a chance I caught Covid there, because of course. But if there's an RP you wanna do I'll at least put in a good faith effort]]

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stopthisatonce’s Profile Photo This Isn't It
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Like energy as I want to do something but my brain is like nah man, lets just sit here instead and space out XD

ShiningVoid’s Profile PhotoȺҍվʂʂ
[[god I'm so there too, well there and utter panic attack, there is no inbetween, either Panic at the Disco or no thoughts head empty]]


forgottenfifth’s Profile PhotoShadow
[[Why does the Upstairs AC not work. Now that the AC is on I can't open my windows anymore but the AC doesn't work upstairs so I now can't sleep in my room. I'm just argh]]
Liked by: Neo

*Vio reappears in the bed he and Shadow share, dazed and confused. Did anything with @starmanslaughter actually happen? Was it some twisted nightmare?*

Stoicviolet’s Profile PhotoVio
*The moment Vio reappears, Shadow flat out tackles his partner onto the ground hugging him tightly*
*He doesn't even take a breath forcing all the words out in a single rush of air, his demeanor still hinting at an edge of franticness*
"I woke up after I got you to go to sleep and you weren't here and- you're ok right?"
*Shadow holds Vio gently, studying him looking for any potential injuries*
Vio reappears in the bed he and Shadow share dazed and confused Did anything

*she knocks on the door* Shadow?Are you there?

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
*there's a snarl and she hears something hit the door and shatter....*
she knocks on the door ShadowAre you there

Shadow? *she goes looking for him in Hyrule.*

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
*Shadow's in a right state, his room he shares with Vio is in disarray and he seems to be desperately looking for something*
"No, no, no, no, no! This is NOT happening"
Shadow she goes looking for him in Hyrule

Shadow, I don't want to alarm you, but have you seen Vio anywhere tonight ?

*The Shade wakes up but he seems grumpy*
"I just got him to sleep a few hours ago-"
*He stops dead when he realizes Vio's no longer in bed with him*
"What the-"
Shadow I dont want to alarm you but have you seen Vio anywhere tonight

Tʜʀᴇᴇ sᴏɴɢs ʀᴇᴍᴀɪɴ . Sᴇᴇ ʏᴏᴜ sᴏᴏɴ, ᴘᴀɪᴢᴀɴᴏ .

starmanslaughter’s Profile PhotoIᴛs⁻ᴀ ᴍᴇ
"Well dis had Majora's Mask vibes, next y'all'll say I met with a terrible fate"

"This is not a drill"

forgottenfifth’s Profile PhotoShadow
"New Legend of Zelda game, dropped in Nintendo Direct, and with Playable Zelda. So like an actual Canon BY Nintendo Zelda game Zelda's protagonist of. We don't talk about the CD-i stuff..."
This is not a drill

They are all horrible.Im not surprised..

MirroredHybrid’s Profile PhotoDaniel Cerviel
"Well dey can't see into Hyrule easily, so y'all are safe here awhile, though- uh- might wanna hide ya wings. Winged people aren't seen as anythin good here"

It's Dax's brother Discordance who rules my world and changes things to fit his game. He doesn't play by Dax's rules. They hate each other but Dax doesn't really get along with either of his siblings..

MirroredHybrid’s Profile PhotoDaniel Cerviel
"Dax wanted to 'borrow' me at one point, I'm sure his family's no better"

A world ruled over by the god of chaos. He does whatever amuses him. Destruction is inevitable. The good suffer the evil flourish.

MirroredHybrid’s Profile PhotoDaniel Cerviel
"Wait a God a Chaos, do y'all mean dat Dax guy?"

I escaped. But he clipped my wings. This is just where I chose to hide away from him and his influence. My world isn't forgiving.

MirroredHybrid’s Profile PhotoDaniel Cerviel
"Damn I mean if DAT's what they do ta good in y'all's world... You from somewhere like tha Dark World?"

Redemption is possible for demons? I'm pleasantly surprised I assume you won't damage me like he has. *he pulls away the cloak revealing his angelic nature with a broken wing and a collar with chains attached. He was free now but the chains still remained since he couldn't remove the cursed collar*

MirroredHybrid’s Profile PhotoDaniel Cerviel
"Well shit. . . man y'all are real far from home. I'm not gonna hurt ya, I only fight monsters now yanno."
Redemption is possible for demons Im pleasantly surprised I assume you wont

*he lows his hood* I was made by the demon using a mirror spell..I only exist because of my captor. A menace made from the darkness. I do hope you're not like him....

MirroredHybrid’s Profile PhotoDaniel Cerviel
"Unlike most demons I have a spark a light, I'm redeemed."


Language: English