

Ask @Stoicviolet

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*Shadow reappears in their shared bedroom basically flopping in Vio's lap like a cat* "Vi? can we just stay like this? I just.... I like knowing you're here."

forgottenfifth’s Profile PhotoShadow
*Vio blinks in a confused manner, not knowing exactly what brought this on. His first thought is that Shadow's sudden neediness and clinginess is stemming from Vio's sudden disappearance into that strange, cursed world the other day. But at the same time that doesn't feel entirely accurate, knowing Shadow though he'll explain when he's ready. *
"Yeah, it's fine-"
*Vio runs his fingers through Shadow's hair in an attempt to reassure his partner after whatever spooked him.*
Shadow reappears in their shared bedroom basically flopping in Vios lap like a

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In his dreams, Vio finds himself at a place he hadn't been in some time ... A mountain he wished would simply vanish from the face of Hyrule forever ...

starmanslaughter’s Profile PhotoIᴛs⁻ᴀ ᴍᴇ
*Vio practically freezes when he sees he's in Death Mountain's Caldera, he looks out over the platform in the middle of the flowing lava where he and Green dueled a lifetime ago*
"How did I-"
*He turns around and sees the throne he and Shadow shared, a chill running up his spine, he **Knows** for a fact that ended up destroyed during his near execution, this isn't real... right?*
In his dreams Vio finds himself at a place he hadnt been in some time  A

Up for another adventure ... ?

"You say that like it's a choice. I'm a Link, there's always a new quest to go on."
*Oh Vio you have no idea*

Well luckily tomorrow I might be around early and then I'll just be gone for an hour or so for a hair appointment))

ShiningVoid’s Profile PhotoȺҍվʂʂ
[[what time counts as early to you bruv]]
Liked by: Asim

*Suddenly, the room bursts into violent flames, a pyromantic figure wreathed in fire towering over Vio and filling the space* "DID YOU KNOW THAT BURNING ALIVE IS ONE OF THE MOST PAINFUL WAYS OF DYING, INSECT ?"

byfirebepurged’s Profile Photoᴛʜᴇ ʟɪᴠɪɴɢ ꜰʟᴀᴍᴇ
*Vio takes several steps back away from the towering flaming figure, he instinctively reaches for his bow and his ice arrows*

*the hands vanish as soon as they are struck, followed by what feels like an earthquake, yet nothing falls over and nothing budges from their proper places ... Did he make the specter angry ?*

byfirebepurged’s Profile Photoᴛʜᴇ ʟɪᴠɪɴɢ ꜰʟᴀᴍᴇ
"Din Dammit. . . what in Nayru's name just happened here."

Might need to make a new one these claws were built for digging after all.. What are you doing out here? Is there another person with you patrolling maybe?I don't want to freak them out ..

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
"I'm here with @PyromaniaRed . . . though I think I walked too far ahead of him. I wasn't in the mood for small talk and that's what Red wanted to do today."
*AKA Red wants you to acknowledge your emotions you idiot*

*The hands continue playing, and while someone of Hyrule wouldn't recognize the song, someone of Earth would recognize it as coming from the cartoon known as Peanuts*

byfirebepurged’s Profile Photoᴛʜᴇ ʟɪᴠɪɴɢ ꜰʟᴀᴍᴇ
*Well Vio has no idea about what the song it, he just tries to strike each flaming hand with an ice arrow since as BotW proves fiery enemies die from ice attacks, and icy enemies die from fire attacks*

The joys of being snack sized.. Easy pickings for larger creatures.. *she laughs nervously* I already dug a burrow somewhere around this forest but I keep forgetting where it is. I got lost and it doesn't help that the bokoblin chased me for quite a while. Not sure how far away I am now.

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
"I can't really help you with that as I have no idea where you might have dug this burrow of yours"
*Vio is silently and stoically grateful about the fact the little alien dropped questioning him about how he himself is doing*

And you? I asked about you too..I've been trying to survive out here there's a lot more threats than I'm used to. Almost everything wants to snatch me up. *She laughs nervously* You made that victory look so easy.

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
"Years of fighting monsters will make it look easy, but Hyrule is packed with countless threats, you're lucky that there were only Bokoblins after you, I mean Moblins could easily reach you in that tree. A Lizalfols tongue could also catch you easily. Given your size it might be wiser to look for somewhere too small for monsters to follow."
*And he's avoiding the question*

That was a close one.. I'm not exactly good at fighting.. *she jumps out of the tree landing on all fours* It's been a while how's you and Shadow doing?

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
"Shadow's fine."
*Vio she asked how you are too....*

*Neo is seen perched up in a tree hiding from some bokoblins that girl always seems to find trouble*

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
*Neo watches each of them die reduced to ashes and smoke, leaving no bodies behind when they're struck in the head with well aimed arrows*
"Considering I've had to save Hylians in almost the exact same position, this isn't the worst thing you've done."
Liked by: Neo

*she snaps back to normal taking her a minute to recognize her new injury. She winces slightly*I should have seen that coming. No need to be so hostile.Though it was quite impolite to read your mind without your permission.

FracturedSoul’s Profile PhotoRipley Dread
"Incredibly impolite, your mind should be the one place your thoughts are safe and free from judgement."
she snaps back to normal taking her a minute to recognize her new injury She

I'm not like everyone else.I know and see more than most. *Her eyes turn white beginning to glow a third eye projecting on her forehead as she prys into Vios thoughts to gather info* His name is Shadow. He means an awful lot to you.Your partner your love. I'm not a threat to you or your darkness.

FracturedSoul’s Profile PhotoRipley Dread
*When she does that her body explodes in pain, when she blinks open her regular eyes she sees there's an arrow deeply embedded in her shoulder. It was clearly specifically aimed to be non-lethal. Lilac eyes stare at her cold, calculating, furious, and at the same time afraid*
"Stay out of my mind."
Im not like everyone elseI know and see more than most Her eyes turn white

*the young woman steps out into setting down her basket down* I don't want trouble... But your company seems different from anyone I've encountered before.Why don't you reveal your friend.. *how does she know about Shadow? Her gift of course*

FracturedSoul’s Profile PhotoRipley Dread
*Vio started to lower his bow, but the moment she mentioned his company he immediately drew it back up aiming at her*
"It's his choice if he wants to show up or not, but my question is, how can you tell he's here. Most people only notice him if he's making himself known."


Language: English