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If you could have a mythical creature as your bodyguard, what would you pick? Why? 🧛🦹🧝

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
Hmmm, first instinct is to choose a dragon! But I don't know how useful it'd be as a body guard, considering it's size 😬 Like, I'd be without protection when entering buildings! And honestly, a dragon might be a little overkill, don't need the power to burn down whole city blocks! Or do I? 😈 Hehehe
I think I'd more realistically choose someone taller and more intimidating than me. But one who'd probably be fun to hang out with! So I'd probably choose a goliath like Grog from Legend of Vox Machima! A 240 cm / 8 foot tall, blue skinned being with heaps of muscles is sure to make someone think twice about attacking me 😌
If you could have a mythical creature as your bodyguard what would you pick Why

*Space for a picture you want to showcase* 📸

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I haven't really taken many recently apart from my nails cause I like the blue as well as the black this time and I haven't taken a lot of other photos cause i haven't done photography for a while or been anywhere apart from the nail and tattoo shop
Space for a picture you want to showcase

Where in United States do you think has the most beautiful biological women?

mierplas_’s Profile PhotoMierPlas
Beauty is a subjective concept that varies from person to person. While some may appreciate physical appearance or certain stereotypes, others are drawn to intelligence and character. Which is what I’m into — looks are the last thing on my list. I am not into the basic stereotypical tastes and it has a lot to do with energy for me. meh Beauty is not confined to a specific standard or trait; rather, it is unique to each individual. Some may find blue or green eyes attractive, while others prefer brown eyes. meh Me, I think a nice smile on a guy is dangerous. hahaha Ultimately, beauty is a subjective perception that lies in the eyes of the beholder. 🖤

Трек подписчикам скинь🎧🙏

🎶Zvonkiy and Асия- Лети
🎶Dabro- Дальше-больше
🎶Sophie And The Giants- Shut up and dance
🎶Гио Пика and Miravi- Мир
🎶Kygo and Zak Abel, Nile Rodgers- For life
🎶Topic and A7s- Out my head (Original mix)
🎶Jazzdauren- Песни на кассете
🎶Galantis and Jonas Blue, Zoe Wees- Mountains
🎶Zerb and The Chainsmokers, Ink- Addicted
Трек подписчикам скинь

Share the most sweetest thing someone has said to you?

Ok.. so it was a time long ago when i was a sensitive and dramatic kind of creature. And i was going through the miseries i have created myself.. and i try to isolate myself...Then, out of the blue, a friend who had no clue about what I was going through texted me. I don’t remember the exact words, but the essence was something like: "If you're not okay, don’t worry...One day everything will be fine..You're strong and brilliant, and I’m here for you. Don’t forget that."
We weren’t exactly mature back then, but those words felt like a soothing river. It reminded me that sometimes people come into our lives just to offer a moment of support, and we often take that blessing for granted.

If you had a chance to be described by a color, what color that would be? And why?

aleena_kamran1’s Profile Photoalee_naaah
Blue. It represents calmness and serenity, as well as communication and trust. And I love how often it is associated with the ocean or the sky - two vast, beautiful things that remind me of how small we are in this world. And it is a soothing colour. It reminds me of moments of quiet reflection or spending time alone in nature. ✨️
If you had a chance to be described by a color what color that would be And why

What types of personalities do you tend to gravitate towards? Why do you think that is?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I gravitate toward people who are open and welcoming, toward those who are social and extroverted.
It's impossible for me to start talking to someone out of the blue, but if they start talking to me, I'll turn into an extrovert for them. I look for people who are similar to me so that we have something in common. If we share no common interests, I won't even engage in the conversation.
There's a saying or piece of common knowledge that extroverts help introverts come out of their shells.
What types of personalities do you tend to gravitate towards Why do you think

Share a core memory from when you were 22 years old.

When I really really liked my classmate. She did abaya, start of 6th semester she came with a new blue one which looked ethereal. I complimented her. “New Abaya, cute” I said😭😭, and she returned it back by saying “I like your haircut”.
I’m never going to forget that one.

What's your favourite flavour of cake ? 🍰

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
My favorite kind of cake is Swedish princess cake! 😋 It consists of alternating layers of airy sponge cake, pastry cream, raspberry jam and a thick-domed layer of whipped cream. It's then covered by a layer of marzipan! Traditonally it's green like the picture below but for my birthday I often order mine with blue marzipan 🍰
Whats your favourite flavour of cake

Girls only sorry if this gets sent to any guys haha) do you have your future wedding dress picked out? Show a photo of it if you can :)

Itslaurencim’s Profile Photo♕ ʆɑuʀɛɳ
I am married 🙂 I wore something comfortable for me. I wore my favorite blue jeans and a beautiful all white throw over that hung low passed my thighs. I wore a white shir under it. You could see through the throw over. It was beautiful. Loved it. Was comfortable. I wore my favorite sliver cowgirl boots. I did my own hair and makeup and nails. Someone did my flowers. They were beautiful. I wore a necklace and bracelets and of course rings and my new ring. We have been together for 11 years now. I love my husband. My best friend. The wedding was small and simple. Not too big. We had a small honeymoon. We this year or next are actually planning on going on our actual honeymoon and are thinking of renewing our vows. Loved my outfit. Just easy going yah know. But hey. What we want is what we should get. 🥰 It's our big day. Good luck to any newly weds!

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Girls only sorry if this gets sent to any guys haha do you have your future

What’s your favorite way to get your nails done 💅? Shape, colors , decals. ?

PrincessTami29’s Profile PhotoPrincess
I do them myself. Shape them and everything. Just had to trim mine though. Got too long. I usually color them according to the time of the year. I did blue for my husband because it's his favorite color. These are my nails. I shaped and everything. Painted. Pretty. 😌 Might so again for this weekend.
Whats your favorite way to get your nails done  Shape colors  decals

If you could create a makeup palette that reflects your inner beauty, what colors and shades would you include?

waleedelsayed20’s Profile PhotoWaleed Elsayed
Warm, with neutral undertones , Peach, light olive, soft lime, moss, French blue, sage green, oyster white, cream, light coral, aubergine, warm grey and gold.

What's your favourite season and why? Does it influence your personality?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
My favorite season is spring. I love it because of the clear blue skies, breathable air, and the contrast between slightly warm days and cool nights. The colors everywhere, especially in places like Lahore, add to the charm. Everything seems to come alive during spring, with events and festivals full of life. The atmosphere acts as a mood lifter and motivates me to be productive, making it a truly revitalizing time of year ✌🏻

Somos muy diferentes

Mi madre escuchando canciones de Kimetsu no Yaiba sin saber que son de un anime es algo bastante bestial, JAJAJAJAJAJA.
Le he dicho que se vea el anime, que seguro que le va a gustar y hay capítulos doblados al castellano por si no quiere leer. A ver si se anima y compartimos algo las dos.
Ya conseguí que viese varias películas de Studio Ghibli, Perfect Blue, Paprika, Hotarubi no Mori e y alguna más. Así que estoy segura de que acabará viendo Kimetsu no Yaiba 😌.

Did you ever have birthday blues? 🤷🏻

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
Hmmm I’ve only had a birthday blue once. I accidentally booked the appointment for the horror escape room on the wrong day and it was irreversible. Luckily I always plan more than one thing to do on my birthdays, but it was still a huge disappointment since I (and the others) were so excited about it! I even made themed flyers for my friends.

What color are your eyes? 👀

hussainaliraqe23’s Profile Photo3ra2y
💙 blue 💙 usually... They change colors.. Sometimes they're dark blue, gray, light blue, when I'm really really REALLY happy they turn almost purple (that's only happened like 2 times in my life that I can remember), and different hues of greenish sometimes. The main thing I like about my eyes is if you look close enough you can see a flower shape near my pupils 🌺 you have to get a really good quality pic tho.. otherwise it's something seen better in person.
What color are your eyes

*Vio takes several staggering steps backwards before turning and leaping from the platform to the solid ground nearby. He needs to get away, never have his instincts screamed at him like this*

Stoicviolet’s Profile PhotoVio
The figure throws down a blue cube onto the floor, and slamming both fists into it, causes it to detonate in a powerful shockwave that causes the whole dream world to fall apart like a house of glass, Vio being plunged into a black and red abyss .
Landing with a thud, Vio would find himself besides his bed, but not in Hyrule Castle, the sleeping hero having been snatched and taken to a castle belonging to someone else .
[ You aren't dreaming anymore, paizano . ]

You 2 looked happy on the beach in the pic tho.You had a blue bikini on.

Lmao the last time I was at the beach was when I was 20 years old. With my ex of 3 years I’m 30 now I do not look the same at all to assume I do is ridiculous

Ask seems so boring, back then i had followers we used to interact, like good answers, give fire on awesome replies, i am not sure where they went, after a long time i am here to build up that circle again if you agree, lets follow eachother.

mahnoorjadoon7’s Profile Photo✨ E N C H A N T R E S S ✨
I belong to the time when ask fm was of blue colour, so the reward system is still pretty new for me.

Какого Украина не выиграла Евровидение...

Я не дивилася повноцінно Євробачення але бачила фрагменти виступу деяких учасників. Що хочу сказати, мені сподобався виступ України, він був дійсно класно продуманий пісня і картинка була дуже крута і вражаюча, але чомусь виграв хлопець в юбці. Нічого проти нього немаю в нього був дійсно класний голос , але це була явно пропаганда лбгт і це було дуже добре видно з його зовнішнього вигляду та тексту пісні а він щей нагороду свою розбив 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
А виступ Ірландії: Bambie Thug - "Doomsday Blue" мене взагалі шокував, мене так не шокував хлопець з голою дупою який вилупився з яйця 😅 забула назву гурту, як Bambie Thug на це було страшно дивитись реально 😳 це був просто якийсь жах, просто сатанізм в чистому вигляді, як суді могли таке допустити? Не розумію просто.

Post something amusing

roshsmile’s Profile PhotoMisba T. Awan
Once in a blue moon, I see a true dream.
So, in 2020- 2021, I dreamt; I was trapped in a cube like building. It was dark there were some people there but they were either doing their own thing or running and I knew I had to get out of there but there’s no door so the only logical escape out of the weird dark place is by going to the top and I’m going on my own and I’m avoiding all obstacles and the walls on each floor (as I’m going up) are falling one by one and near to the top of the building, I froze cause I have this sense of fear that something bad is at the top
and yet if I don’t leave, the whole place would crumble so I’m just standing there and idk what to do now and a hand grabbed my hand and the whole scenery changed. The building disappeared, I was out and free.
I saw no one but I knew whose hand pulled me out of that dark creepy place before something bad happened; my husband did! (who was a stranger for me till then.) I didn’t know anything about him at that time, other than that someone from this name exists.

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What reminds you of home? 🏡

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
Home as in where I live or home as in where I grew up? When I think of home, I think of brown textured stucco, wood carved patios, orange and pink sunsets almost every night. I picture blue mountains that you feel like you can touch if you reach out but it’s just an illusion. I think of dirt speckled with desert green, red rocks, and lots of hills to hike. I remember the swings outdoors and the brick walls I would climb just to get away. I remember grey trails for walking and road runners crossing streets. I remember rain on my fingertips, which was never enough. I remember a river small and windy, tamed by man for full pockets. I think of the large ancient cottonwood trees, the last of their generation due to the dam. I remember the wild sunflowers high above my head, reaching for the sun. All the pieces of memories I hold close to my heart… those are my home.

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What reminds you of home

Green colour calms down people. So why the walls in a psychiatric hospitals are white?

grey_cross’s Profile Photogrey.cross
What an interesting concept! I was always taught blue had the most calming effect. I honestly don’t think psychiatric hospitals rely on things like colors or the environment to treat patients because they trust so completely the use of medicine and therapy. I also think it’s because their goal is to acclimate patients who are eligible back into society, where they won’t have the comfort of green or blue walls to maintain composure or comfort.

What’s your favorite color ..🥸

Purple. Fun fact from an evolutionary & physics perspective doesn't exist. There is no such color light as purple. I don't mean your art degree relax. I mean that purple is an illusion of the human eye. It simply indicates a light between red & blue, that is not green. Haha. That's really cool the more you think about it. As purple is kind of a thing all to ourselves. At least as far as we reasonably know
Whats your favorite color

Яке взуття ви носите літом?

lenaaa0_0’s Profile PhotoLENA
В літньому взутті. То не цікаво. Краще я розповім про сон. Сниться мені рання весна, дерева ще голі, ледь бруньки з'являються. Але доволі тепло. Тепло настільки, що я як стародавній кельт ходжу топлес і босий, але в штанях. Штани шкіряні, рокінрольні, чорні. А я по всьому тілу маю блакитні візерунки. Чи було довге волосся, непамятаю. Але ходив і всіх лякав поведінкою рок- співака. А потім, я відчув що можу дуже високо пригати. А потім і літати. Тільки почав думати над тим, як це мені вдається літати, сон закінчився, і я прокинувся. О, я то ніби босий був, ніби у сандалях римського легіонера. Дивні дивності візуальні.
In summer shoes. That's not interesting. I'd rather talk about a dream. I dream of early spring, the trees are still bare, buds are barely appearing. But quite warm. It is so warm that I, like an ancient Celt, go topless and barefoot, but in pants. Leather pants, rock'n'roll, black. And I have blue patterns all over my body. I don't remember if I had long hair. But he went around and scared everyone with the behavior of a rock singer. And then, I felt that I could hypnotize very high. And then fly. I just started thinking about how I manage to fly, the dream ended and I woke up. Oh, it was as if I was barefoot, as if in the sandals of a roman legionnaire. Weird oddities are visual.

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Language: English