@xKandiiKunt#11 🇺🇸


Ask @xKandiiKunt

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Was the transition from middle school to high school big for you (either due to switching schools, the pressure to do well academically, having a hard time making friends, etc.)?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I moved a lot so changing schools was the norm for me.

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Do you consider yourself an independent thinker and have you always been that way?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I don't conform just to fit in or gain approval from others. I march to the beat of my own drum, even if it means not fitting in with the crowd.
Liked by: Rusyk)

Is being rebellious a negative or a positive thing for you?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Rebelling saved me from a dangerous situation where I was being beaten. If I hadn't stood up for myself, the abuse would have continued. I consider that a victory for me.
Liked by: Rusyk) Merve

What risks are worth taking in your opinion? 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
In my opinion, risks that are worth taking are those that have the potential to lead to personal growth, new opportunities, or significant rewards. I think it’s important to assess the potential benefits and consequences of taking a risk, weigh them carefully, and make an informed decision. meh Some risks worth taking include pursuing a passion, starting a new business, stepping out of my comfort zone to try something new, or making a big life change that aligns with my values and goals. I’ve come to realize that calculated risks can often lead to valuable experiences and growth. 🖤

Would you be hurt if someone that you used to talk to online saw you in person but didn’t bother looking in your direction and avoided making eye contact with you?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Of course but the majority of people are disappointing anyways, so I don’t really expect anything more from anyone.

Have you ever been painfully stung / bitten? Like by a wasp, fire ants etc. 🐝🐜

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
No, I’ve never been stung or bitten by any insects, except for mosquitoes. lol They usually don’t really bother me too much either. I did get bit by a weird spider when I was in LA, though. That’s the only time I can remember actually being bitten or stung by an insect (arachnid). meh Just a little FYI: When I was little, I didn’t only collect strays, but I also had bees as pets. lol They had their own little inclosure and I got them fresh flowers daily, right along with sugar water.

Where in United States do you think has the most beautiful biological women?

mierplas_’s Profile PhotoMierPlas
Beauty is a subjective concept that varies from person to person. While some may appreciate physical appearance or certain stereotypes, others are drawn to intelligence and character. Which is what I’m into — looks are the last thing on my list. I am not into the basic stereotypical tastes and it has a lot to do with energy for me. meh Beauty is not confined to a specific standard or trait; rather, it is unique to each individual. Some may find blue or green eyes attractive, while others prefer brown eyes. meh Me, I think a nice smile on a guy is dangerous. hahaha Ultimately, beauty is a subjective perception that lies in the eyes of the beholder. 🖤

I want her but she is so hesitant and I don’t make the first move because of society so…your move?

ihcalam70776’s Profile Photoihcalam
I think guys, who can’t make the first move, are a waste of time. lol This is, however, just my own personal preference. Not saying a guy always has to make the first move, but I just think it’s more “manly” for the guy to actually do the chasing. Females doing it can be kinda creepy.. 👀


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