
Erin Grant

you have the perfect body, smile, your craziness makes me smile, your beautiful, i just want to get to know you better, but i'm just too scared that you will hate me :'(

Oh wow thank you!! And I wouldn't hate you I promise I don't hate anyone!! And inbox me and we can get to know each other! Thanks again <3 xxoo
Liked by: Jesse Millar
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Latest answers from Erin Grant

How was the nose job? Did they fix it?

That's a bit rude!! It wasn't a nose job it was an operation to quatorize my nose which means to burn the inside of it to stop me having had reaction for a little while to dust so I can breathe properly

What are the first things you notice when you meet someone?

There eyes and what there wearing and if there flyer is undone or not -.- hahaha

top 5 favourite boys at Kennedy in year 9??

Favourite boys?? Ummm
Sherlock, Hays, Beales, Whipp anddd someone else

What you doing today?

I did nothing except clean my room and clean my room hahaha oh and read a magazine haha

Language: English