
Erin Grant

true thoughts on the low life bitch jessica bate?

Excuse me but What The Hell Is Your Problem!!!!! Jess is one of the sweetest girls i know. She has helped me through so much hard shit this year...i would've started cutting by now if she hadn't been there helping me through everything! so DONT YOU DARE call her a low life bitch!!!!! she is amazing and i love her to pieces!!!!!!!!!
Liked by: Jess
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Latest answers from Erin Grant

How was the nose job? Did they fix it?

That's a bit rude!! It wasn't a nose job it was an operation to quatorize my nose which means to burn the inside of it to stop me having had reaction for a little while to dust so I can breathe properly

What are the first things you notice when you meet someone?

There eyes and what there wearing and if there flyer is undone or not -.- hahaha

top 5 favourite boys at Kennedy in year 9??

Favourite boys?? Ummm
Sherlock, Hays, Beales, Whipp anddd someone else

What you doing today?

I did nothing except clean my room and clean my room hahaha oh and read a magazine haha

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