

Ask @EstherAliker

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what do they do to u

everytime when I get on the bus for school they wanna be shouting in the morning like say people aint still tired, they annoy me on the bus but at school they wont do nada acting for audience please.
Liked by: emmanuelle

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ops on mark and ras

these little focking rats, I swear to god let them carry on provoking me I will make sure I deal with them even if it means waiting till they come topsite.
Liked by: emmanuelle

ops on chrystal

never spoken to her but she hasn't done anything for me to dislike her but she's pretty seems carm.

ops on jenaya

She went htg and she's nice to me dont speak to her anymore though but dont have a problem with her pretty and that.

ops on yacinta

ah my ugandan friend, gorgeous, funny dont really chat that much though only in certain lessons.

why u gonna flip out on some yr 8s?

You dont understand I cannot stand some especially mark and his lil crew fs the day I go mental on them I will probably get kicked out and sent to abbey manor bmt.

looooooooool so ur tryna say they were ugly in primary did u go htg?

yeah I did but no they weren't but their faces have matured so they look older and cute

or cutest

in response to your question about buffest or cutest boy in year 8 I dont really watch them but some have improved in looks from my primary like:
basically all the popular year 8 boys they are cute.

wht do u meen certain girls more like all of them

LOOL its true if you go hahc and you are reading this if you can tie your hair up in a hairband god has blessed you.

how come u go in may and not september

we go when year 11's leave for study leave so we can get used to topsite.

ops on kezly

his hair is actually buff its a shame he has longer hair than certain girls in my year, I dont chat to him but he seems calm.

hu ever been in a fight?

let me just say this, the girls at hahc really grind my gears (some), there will be a day I flip out on some year 8's before I leave for topsite in may but if you know you know.

ops on jada

known her since primary, talk to her in form sometimes, always laughing, fast, pretty etc.


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