
Shaza Usama

Ask @EternalAwesome

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Do you correct other people's mistakes?

I guess yeah.. but not in like a mean way like "YOU'RE WRONG IM RIGHT MWAHAHA" but like advicing them nicely and more like because I just can't sit there and hear shit.. but if it's someone I hate I would do anything and everything to correct their mistakes in the most hideous way lol

Is love the ruling/strongest emotion/feeling?

I don't think an emotion can be classified as the strongest or weakest, it depends on the situation. At times, all you feel is love.. other times all you feel is hate..most times all I feel is nothing at all. So no love is not the ruling feeling but it CAN be depending on what's there, like any other emotion..it's like an equation that works depending on its factors
Liked by: RahhmaTamerr

What rule/s do you want to see applied/implemented everywhere?

I want the rules that are already there to actually be applied! Because no one really listens at all.. and idk what else I don't like making rules..whatever that's just and fitting to everyone's rights should be implemented ..
Liked by: RahhmaTamerr

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It's the bigger part of the picture, but not all of it. As inspirational as a painting, a reminder of how small you are. In all ways, beautiful.
Liked by: RahhmaTamerr

Do you wish to be remembered when you leave this world? if so, how/with what?

I don't want to be remembered as someone no one heard of when I was alive, I don't want people to know my worth after I die. I want to be remembered for making the people I care about happy right now and that they used to see it. I want to be remembered for a great thing I left in the world that when my name is heard, it brings a smile to people's faces not tears. But that's just everyone's dreams, i don't know if I'm worthy enough for this.
Liked by: RahhmaTamerr Yara

What do you love?

Books, or anything with an interesting story really. And a lot of other things but I don't think they're specific enough for me to list them
Liked by: RahhmaTamerr

Why do you lie?

Simply because it's only human to, we kinda like to sin. It's always easy to give a reason why someone does good things but not when it's bad.. Lies always have some truth in them, and maybe we lie to sugarcoat the truth.. but a specific reason for why someone lies? I don't have an answer.
Liked by: RahhmaTamerr

Why do you think some people are afraid of change? (if anyone does not want to receive questions from me anymore, let me know)

I guess some people are afraid of change because they're either very comfortable with the state they're in that they're not sure they're going to be this stable or comfortable when they move into another one. Another reason is that humans as a whole don't like what's not familiar to them, they can't trust something they don't know the consequences of, even if there aren't any.. like that saying "better the devil you know than the devil you don't" that might be a good thing, in some cases, but also a cage, people like to cage themselves thinking they're free that way.
Some crave change, waiting to be updated for something better than whatever they're in right now, but they lack the courage, afraid of what they don't know, it's in our instinct..what makes us human.
Liked by: RahhmaTamerr

If you read, will you recommend me a book? thank you in advance.

-You seem like a deep thinker and you'd like wise books, so I recommend Paulo Coelho's books, start with The Devil And Miss Prym, it's great.
-And of course, I have to recommend my all time favorite book series, Cirque Du Freak, it's the best vampire series (other creatures too) ever made and it teaches you all about friendship, betrayal, loyalty, and war.
-Now my other type of amusement, is action books, so I would also recommend Will Robie Series by David Baldacci, and Ben Hope series by Scott Mariani. They're awesome and have really cool plots.
-If you're into horror and suspense, you should read Sacrifice by Paul Finch, haven't finished that one yet but it seems promising!
-Last but definitely not least is the good old Sherlock Holmes series by Conan Doyle, I've only started reading it recently but I'm amazed and I wish I started reading it earlier.
I consider every book I read as a masterpiece, and they all add up something to my life. The awesomest moments is when you start flashbacks of the stories you read like they're your own memories. After I finish a good book I like to open a random page and just remember it like I'm time-traveling, it's a great feeling.

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Liked by: RahhmaTamerr

Share/write something that motivates you, or would motivate others. (This is not an order.)

" لا يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفْساً إِلَّا وُسْعَهَا لَهَا مَا كَسَبَتْ وَعَلَيْهَا مَا اكْتَسَبَتْ "
This motivates me so much because it shows me that there's nothing that Allah puts me through that's above my capacity, He wouldn't make me go through anything that I'm not strong enough for. And that what ever happens to me whether good or bad it's because I actually deserved it and I'm strong enough to get through it. I don't know if it would motivate others but it keeps me going.
Liked by: RahhmaTamerr

What never fails to catch your attention? (modesty).

Well in people, high intelligence, a smart sense of humor, and a deep thinker.
In general, something that I have absolutely no background on would never fail to catch my attention and would keep me curious until I know all about it.
Liked by: RahhmaTamerr

Do you follow your brain or your heart?

Well my brain sends messages to my heart asking it to bump, my heart follows my brain so I'd be stupid to follow just another follower. So no, I follow my brain.
Liked by: RahhmaTamerr

How do you think peace of mind can be reached or achieved?

I think peace of mind happens when you accept what you feel, stop blaming yourself and realize that it's okay not to be okay, that the universe is way too big and you are way too small to let your problems take over. You can only reach peace of mind when you believe in something big, a greater mind is watching over you.
Liked by: RahhmaTamerr

Imagine that you were able to become a marvel character. What would your name be, and what power would you possess?

Very high intellectual ability..Well I think my name is fine or I'm too lazy to think of an epic one.
Liked by: RahhmaTamerr leian

Can the past be repeated?

Yes, in fact history repeats itself. It's just the same events with different situations.. if you look at it right, nothing completely new ever happens..but the past exactly, I don't think it is repeated.
Liked by: RahhmaTamerr leian

What's the strangest scientific fact you've learned?

-Well I'm not sure if it's a fact, but The Philadelphia Experiment is one of the strangest scientific experiment I've learned.
- Time is just a property of the universe. The past, present and the future are always happening.
- Spooky action at distance.
Liked by: RahhmaTamerr leian


Language: English