

What do you think is going to be the biggest issues/struggles moving forward?

The biggest struggle will be the multiplayer, mainly solving all the synchronisation issues. We belive it will be worth it.

Latest answers from Factorio

I can’t get the new update, is it out in full release or is it going to be out to the public in the future?

Hi, it is public beta at the moment, you can opt-in through Steam

Hello guys, thank you for the fantastic game. We are planning large project with friends but we do not know, if we should wait until 0.13 released. Will be possible to convert map from 0.12 to 0.13 easily without loosing some content of 0.13? Thanks!

Yes, conversions are always possible. It might require to change some parts of the Factory, but usually not much.

Is it possible to convert a multiplayer save back in to a single player one?

There is not a big difference between the saves, you can just load multiplayer save in singleplayer.

How come my laptop wiith Intel Graphics can't run this game, after following the instructions to fix the problem?

The minimum for the game is 512 Mb of dedicated video memory.

When the Factorio forum is going to be optimized for smartphones? I would guess not soon, because developing the game itself is more important than the forum. Keep up the good work on developing the game!

Yes, we use phpbb, which is 3rd party free forum software. We don't plan on rewriting it, as you said, developing the game is more important.

Hi. # Your game is fantastic but i got one big Problem. I got spawned on an island. My resources are not much, how can i change this. Maybe with a mod/card editor and or console trick. Could you help me pls :)

You can use the landfill mod https://forums.factorio.com/4973

We have a problem whit the multiplayer funktion we cant play more then 2 at the same time plz fast awnser!!!!

This is probably solved in 0.12.

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