

Ask @FaroodFarood

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For you, what is forgiving? what does it mean to forgive someone?

It's freeing YOURSELF from the bad feelings you have towards them, not holding a grudge, and being kind to them even if they don't actually deserve it..
《وَالْكَاظِمِينَ الْغَيْظَ وَالْعَافِينَ عَنِ النَّاسِ ۗ وَاللَّهُ يُحِبُّ الْمُحْسِنِينَ》
Being one of the محسنين, or even the عافين عن الناس, is worth leaving all your pride and anger behind.

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What do you love about life?

How logical everything is lol
Also the experiences I have day to day 💫
The people I love 💕
Meeting new people and finding out new interesting things 🌚
Coding 😍
Comedy ✨
Liked by: sora Rand HERO! Rose

تكملة شرح للسؤال.. الرجاء الأخذ بعين الاعتبار انه لا يوجد اية حلول فيزيائية خارج الخيارين السابقين (ابقاء القطار على مساره/تغيير المسار) حيث ان السؤال يتصف ببعد فلسفي ولا يبحث عن حلول خارج الصندوق، الرجاء الإجابة بعناية وتفسير الجواب بشكل منطقي.

Is this a psychology test? If ur so interested in psychology just read about MBTI 16 personalities.. I personally recommend it 😉

Haven't seen ya in a while, makes me super sad that you became immature and childish cuz of social media D:

Yo let's see u soon then 😉
I've always been a child at heart, too bad for you 🌚🍃
And this is a real life.. no, a social media example of the pot calling the kettle black, don't you think its immature to send this type of thing as an anon? It will be a lot more sincere if you sent that to me on whatsapp 😗
Thanks for caring enough about me to send this 🍃 I am actually trying to use social media less *takes out essays about social media from school (i didnt die writing those for fun yeah)*.. but I still dont see your point in saying that social media made me immature 😓 it doesnt make sense 🚶✨
Liked by: Syrra Rand sora

Is being in love wrong? Is it wrong to love and be loved? Or did society make that up and feed that to our ancestors that its wrong to love(possibly maybe publicly)? "Serious question"

If ur being so serious about it then I will give u a serious answer and I hope it clears your doubts and helps u ask non-serious questions in the future.. 😇
No being in love is involuntary, like being hungry maybe, depends on how strong ur heart is lol so i dont think being in love is wrong but weird relationships that are outside marriage are wrong. Young ppl easily falling into these weird relationships is whats wrong, so to stop this from happening the root of the problem, which is love, is cut by being considered wrong.
والله يهدي الجميع 🙏✨


Language: English