

what we do when kita suka someone but dia not feel the same way?

from my experience , we can only be friend with them . at them same time still having a hope to get a place in their heart . but , its okay and much better to have them as friend rather than completely stranger 😊

Latest answers from lizstomania

What is the point of being alive when in the end you're just going to die?

naaaars’s Profile PhotoN.A.
Dunno why but at least you got to see your parents :)

ape perasaan kau org bila kita nk belajar sesuatu lain daripada yang lain selalu je diperlekeh kn?

Kat sini kita kena apply sikap "pergi lantak laa orang nak cakap apa" sebab awak yang belajar . So , let people say what they want as long as you love what you do dear :)

Nowadays ramai yang kahwin dgn bestfriend. Im just curious of how they get rid of the awkwardness when one of them confess?

They already comfortable enough with each other . Nama pun bestfriend . Takkan nak biar awkwardness tu melebihi memori bersama ?

Language: English