

If you could live in any other city in Australia, which would it be?

Probably Melbourne.
It's so pretty and the city is huge and interesting. Much more cultural.
Plus the temperature is a big plus.
The furry community is a bit fractured, but hey, pretty sure i'd be happy for a break haha.
Snow isn't far away either. Ski trip every year <3
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Latest answers from Airo

What is your favorite story your parents told you?

My Mum sewed a bright pink heart on my dad's work pants ass, and he went to work, through many a construction yard full of burly manly men laughing at him.
He only realized when he got home.

How do you communicate most with your friends?

Facebook messenger is the easiest for me.
It gives me a blip on every device i have, so it makes it easy to keep track of. Plus the group chat features are awesome for uni work and event planning and shiz.

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