

Ask @FollowDreams21

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If you could be invisible for a day, what would your do?

umm. I dont knoow. probably go into a store and knock everything down. I'd be like some paranormal activity shit.

What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?

Skateboarding in the hall with one of those trolley things.

What do you think of Chantal , Alyssa , and Simone

Chantal ; that's my niggah doooee ! She's extremely funny& so pretty!
Alyssa: she's so pretty and so sweet<3
Simone: She's nicee&pretty.

Why do people hate on you? I don' t understand you're so pretty♥ keep your head high xoo

I don't know either.. They just do. But thank you ! whoever you are, you just made my night <33 :) Come off anon? :)

Why are people sending my bbg critizism? They need to stop this, cause you already know we will get our 'moms inventions' and slap a hoe with it ;-) Keep your head high bbg, ilyy<3 -casss(:

Lmfaaaoo ! awee bbgg<3 They just jealous bitches that's all! Like youknoow, I'm not afraid to bitch slap a hooee! & I will huun<3 Thanks a lot means so much<3

No one is starting problems. I'm just simply stating my opinion. You shouldn't have gotten ask fm if you don't want to see what people have to say.. Am I right ? So chilllll.

So what you think that you can call me fake and I'm just going to agree with it? Obviously I'm not. It's common sense. But you know what keep going, keep hating. "State your opinion" I really don't care what you call me, because it's obvious you don't have the balls to say it to my face. Bye anon.


Language: English