

Ask @FollowDreams21

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One, I don't have ask fm, so I can't "come off of anonymous". And Two, No one is saying that they're tough so calm down little girl.

K,so why are you trying to start a problem ? There's no need for that.

You're fake.

Hmm, this is coming from a person who wrote this anonymous. Think your so tough? Come off anonymous, let's see who you really are.

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What do you have a problem with me saying the weeknd sucs ?

Please do me a favour? Stay in school or repeat grade one because it's obvious you don't know how to spell.

What's it like having naturally curly hair?

stressful, annoying, tiring, more annoying,more tiring and more stressful -.- . It takes forever to straighten and to comb out.

i haerd you give dome.

You *heard wrong, and please stay in school.. You obviously need it because you certainly can't spell.

what would your advice be to someone who self harms?

To stop and think, do you really want to do this? Is this the right choice? Can there be another solution?

What would you do if a close friend of yours started to self harm?

I'd probably tell them that even though it can be tough, there's more to life than what they think. I'd remind them of all their loved ones and how devastated it would be if they took it to the extreme. I also will never leave their side, because they need a friend more than anything in this world.Life isn't easy for them at this moment and the only thing they need is for someone to be looking out for them. I'd give them advice and help them through it. And even though I'm not in they're shoes and I don't know what they're going through I'd never give up on helping them. Because the moment you give up is the same moment they risk their life.
Liked by: Mikayla Saucier


Language: English