
Fitriyani A

Ask @FtryniAprlia

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duit THR mau dipake buat beli apa??

Sebelum dapet thr : duit thr mau beliin ini itu dll banyak lah pokonya
Pas udah dapet : sayang beliinnya, kyanya ada yg lebih berguna
*tau tau duit thr abis grgr buat jajan yg dikit2 dan ga kerasa😅
Liked by: xXFacePalmXxTrolXx

If you had to choose/answer, with what are MALES SUPERIOR TO females, and why? Also, with what are FEMALES SUPERIOR TO males, and why? Please avoid egalitarian responses of equality, since this is meant to provoke thought. Otherwise, there are no correct/incorrect responses, just your perspectives.

I'd choose 'males superior to females' bcs we (especially me) as wom(a)en, need a man who can help and protect us. Bcs indeed women r born as 'weak' human being.

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Gua pacaran 10 tahun nih,tiba2 do putussin gitu aja,mau nyari yang baru katanya,menurut kalian,bakal balik lagi ga yah ke gue? Tp gua jijik sama omongan dia,nyakittin.. Batak begitu kali yah??

Pacaran apa kredit lama amat.........

Do you agree with the saying that if you love yourself, others will love you too?

You don't have to say, just act.

PAP of your best friend!

Part of my life, half of my heart, when i was with them, i feel 'the real me'. I just can't imagine how was my life going without them. I'm so lucky to know them , i'm so lucky to be part of them. Miss ya guys.

Orang yg suka bikin masalah, enaknya d apain yaa? Padahal dia sekelas bareng haha

Shoutout yg apa bgt ini.........

Ayolah berpikir jernih, apa iya dengan mencampur sendiri es batu rasa lemon dan gelembung bisa seenak dan sesegar segelas sprite? Boleh aja dicoba tapi nyatanya susah. Menurut kamu info dari aku gak penting? Tapi nyatanya kamu uda baca info ini lebih dr 20detik.

WahyuDewa’s Profile PhotoWahyu Dewa


Language: English