
Georgia Lovei

Ask @GeorgiaLovei

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What is missing in your life that would make you very happy?

sometimes I want to rewinding to that day..
and instead of saying hi, I walk away.
Liked by: Quinton Good

What is better than chocolate?

I feel like giving up. its becoming too much and I don't want to do this anymore..

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What is the purpose of life?

i dont even know, but i'm not enjoying it atm. i'd like to go and crawl into bed and cry, but i'll smile like nothings wrong :)

Do you care what other people think of you?

If i value their opinion then yes, but if not then I dare you to go try and fly off a bridge

What junk food could you never give up?

those chick mcbites from macas.. they are the shit man. love them

Did you ever run away from home?

Oh yes. 2 years ago my biological mother came home drunk and demanded I make her bacon and eggs. When I told her I wouldn't she took my phone and smashed it with a hammer. I packed my bags, took my unicorn and walked from JFK road to Cuba st by pioneer.. in the pouring rain, back to my dads house I haven't been back since 2 Christmas's ago and I'm so glad that part of my life is over.

How far in advance do you prefer to plan?

idk a few days or whenever I want them to be planned for. sometimes I plan shit and it goes wrong and that frustrates me like a lot.. but it usually goes wrong because dad can't make up his mind or says I'm making shit up and that he never agreed to my plan. parents man...

I glad you're doing well and happy its nice to have someone aee, I remember my first ever person I had and she was 1 year 6 mouths and that was amazing we have been friends for 4 years now, so stay at it and do your best and believe in yourself

It makes me so happy to see that there are people out there that are actually nice and don't just bring you down and say "you won't last". thank you anon, without even knowing me you support me and it's great. I'm not letting this boy go and I know he's not letting me go either ♥♥
Liked by: Fabian Morris

are u single

I'm very proud to say no. And in 47 days it'll be our first year. It's taken a lot of effort and work, tears and pain, joy and happiness, to get here. but it was worth every second of it ♥
Liked by: Jack Tyler

I was reading hahaha and if it's so gross in public, why are you always having sexy in public?

hmmmm I'm not.. its funny how your "friends" say that they wont tell others about your private shit but then they go blurt it out when you arent friends. like I said I wouldn't tell about someone doing it in the bushes at Milverton park, that's very public and not secluded at all. or a person who did shit with someone else that could have damaged their good student reputation.
so my shits not classed as public.

"more so in public" why are you always having sex in public places then hahahahaha Hahahahaha hahahahaha

I said it was gross in public so learn to read..

thoughts ?

Jack Tyler
aww gummmon. nah man your a crack up, love hanging out. your so kb and a majour GC. I can't wait to hang next and have more fun and visit a haunted house


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