
Georgia Lovei

Ask @GeorgiaLovei

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What will you never do?

I will never ever love someone other than the one I have now. I know I am young but people have found love at my age before and even though we fight and fuck up lots we love each other and nothing will come between that.
Liked by: Jack Tyler

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Shows you have an odd view on "love" then

There a very different types of love and people will always have different views on it. As long as your heart is in the right place (most of the time) than there is no harm in it :)
Liked by: Jack Tyler

He beats Anastasia, it's not a love story it's a sex movie. Where Christian is being dominating

He doesn't beat her, he smacks her as a sexual punishment. He asserts control and he doesn't do it without her consent. That's who he is and she leaves him briefly because of it, but when he begs her to come back her promise to never do it again
Liked by: Jack Tyler

What was the last argument you had?

I had an argument today with my man. I felt like I had a legit reason to be mad at him.. but according to him it was irrational.
Liked by: Jack Tyler

Which quality in a man do you dislike the most?

Men's absolute incapability to realise that the little things you do matter most to us. Sure we like an occasional big thing once every few months but we care more for god damn cuddles, random "I love you"s, holding our hand, relaxing and lying down next to us without having to talk, kiss on the forehead and maybe throw in a few compliments. Girls can be insecure when men neglect to do this. Our minds create may the idea that there's someone else.. so please boys.. do the little things


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