
Georgia Milligan

Ask @GeorgiaMilligan

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Who is the best, from your experience, at: Kissing, cuddling, sex, making you laugh, cheering you up when you're sad, calming you down, making you angry, making you feel loved?

Not answering first 3:/
Makes me laugh: Sophie J
Cheers me up: autocomplimenter.com/index.php?FullName=Georgia+Milligan&Submit=SUBMIT it's gay but it just makes me laugh:')
Calms me down: Can't think of anyone:/
Makes me angry: Urgh Jack Newby, he makes me feel sick, no joke.
Feel loved: my dog.

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who is your strangest friend? your prettiest friend? the one with the best body? the funniest friend? the hyper freind? the immature freind? the boring freind? the skinny freind? the fat freind? the nicest freind? the mat horrible freind? the bitcheist?

Strangest: Izzy by far
Prettiest: Gabi/Sophie J/Rach C, they're all really pretty
Best Body: Idk
Funniest: Alice
Hyper: Laura or Izzy
Immature: All of them...
Boring: Don't have one
Skinny: Caitlin
Fat: Don't have one
Nicest: Caitlin, she'd never say a bad word about anyone
Horrible: Why would you be friends with someone if you thought they were horrible...
Bitchiest: Sorry but Izzy:/

age? location? dream place to live? dream job? height? weight? eye colour? hair colour? bra size? bra colour? fave book? fave film? fave food? sexuality? virgin? Been fingered before? underwear colour? type of underwear most? embarrassing moment? Do you masturbate? have you masturbated?Best mate?

I can't even be bothered-_-

If you could be invisible for one hour, where would you go and what you would you do?

I would go to Izzy's house and move things about while she's in the room, open and close doors, and if she tells me do knock 3 times or whatever then I'd do it.... Just because Izzy thinks her house is haunted and she'd think I was a ghost :'D

What was the last movie you watched? Did you like it?

ahaha ngl it was "barbie fairytopia mermaidia" with Izzy because we're sexy like that. It was actually alright, we just took the piss out of it the whole way through :')
Liked by: Izzz

'Well if you're famous, then normally you make loads of money from doing what you do to be famous, so therefore if I chose fame then I would get the money anyway... Fame.' -you'd have to like attention to be famous, and be able to have attention on you;) NAH THAT AIN'T YOU

The question never said that I have to have what it takes to be famous, it just asked fame or money.

Would you choose money or fame?

Well if you're famous, then normally you make loads of money from doing what you do to be famous, so therefore if I chose fame then I would get the money anyway... Fame.


Language: English