
Queen of the Faggots

Ask @GeorgiePozzerCullenx

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Who are your enemies?

Uhmmm, I have many>;)
Such as,
Me, myself, I, Georgie Cullen, Georgia Cullen, the first daughter of Sally and Jeffery Cullen..
Liked by: ChloeeBondd

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What was your first mobile phone?

I actually remember this ommm.
My nan gave it to me when I was seven, it was like a fucking brick, I thought it was the most amazing thing ever at the time. So yeah, I went shopping with my nan, and as we got to the last shop I put my phone in one of the bags, and sat by the door waiting for my nan to come out. Nan came out and we went home. About ten minuets later I noticed, THAT I HAD LEFT 4 BAGS AND AN UMBRELLA OUTSIDE THE SHOP. I went down there, got the bags and the umbrella, and one bag was missing. The one with my 'amazing' phone. Asked the shop keeper an he said a man in a red jacket took it._____.
He just wanted my swaggy phone man.____.

Best friends?

Lori, Molly, Emillie, Amanda, Ben, one or two others
And also
My bestfriend, My Asian, My bear, My brother, and more:))

longest relationship?

A year and a half,
it wasn't even on and off, it was just a full year and a half.__.

your friends hate you? they slag you off behind your back..

I've been told that so many times tbh, but not all of them

Ask us your love questions and we will give u the best advice.. Sex problems? Relationship problems? Anything? Ask us

LUVisLIFE’s Profile PhotoTeenage LOVE
Well I'm a virgin, no need for sex problems:L I plan on staying a virgin for a while seen as I'M 13.
No relationship problems.
Anything? sure haha
Liked by: Teenage LOVE

How long has your longest ever phone call been?

My longest phone call was 3 hours with my sister;l to lazy to go the other room
Longest FaceTime call was 6 hours and 37 minutes with Lewis Shipp.
Funny how close we used to be and then he decided to never talk to me again, literally.

How much would it cost to buy your love?

No one has to buy my love;L
Unless they buy me what I love.

your full of yourself.

How doe? It's funny if I was full of myself when everytime someone gives me a compliment, I can't accept it, because I know I'm not what they call me? How can I be full of myself when all my life I have had people telling me I'm ugly, calling me names, making me feel worthless. I do my best to look decent, but when I do I'm full of myself, but if I don't I'm ugly, so I can't fucking win can I? Thanks for that cunt.

Which foreign country do you dislike the most?

Please leave.
Unless I'm already talking to you on facebook, or kik, then don't click me up.
I don't want to talk to anyone but the people I'm talking to:))))


Language: English