
Queen of the Faggots

Ask @GeorgiePozzerCullenx

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you and chris are great together. id love to find someone to be like that around. i meed to find a chris of my own. i ship chris and georgia #ghris

Liked by: Christopher Todd

What's he like as a boyfriend?.

hes a perfect boyfriend, treats me vetter than anyone else ever did
Liked by: Kate

What does your boyfriend mean to you?.

he means literally everything tbh, he actually makes me so happy its unreal

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What's the biggest lie your parents told you growing up?

injections dont hurt
tooth fairy
carrots taste nice
me and your dad found you abandoned by the shop
stump the postman is your dad
most of my childhood was a lie

Where would you like to spend your holiday?

Well I'm on holiday with Molly in 87 days.
80 effin 7.
Should be a laugh, lots of vlogging like
I will be dead by the time I edit it all.

What's your favorite movie scene?

This is practically impossible to choose.
First would be the 'PS I love you' I'm not your dad scene
Then would be 'The avengers' scene where the Hulk goes all wacky on dem evil little shits
or the wolverine one where Logan grows bone claws cause the guy in the robot took his metal ones
such decisionss.

What's the largest amount of money you've ever lost?

I lost like 30
went to the beach and lost 20
then got on the bus.home amd left 10
was crying


Language: English