

Ask @GisselleSaravia

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What can you do to make this world a better place?

Lol to stop TRYING to make the world a better place. Cause then all of this useless shit happens.
Liked by: Harry Styles

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Things that annoy you?

Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Like wtf is wrong with you?? UGHH.
And also when I ask a teacher if I can go to the bathroom and she says "No." -.-
When I step on a Lego. (My brothers ugh)
When people smell bad...like take a shower! OMG I feel like getting my perfume out from my bag and spraying them down.
When I'm in a bad mood and I see everybody else laughing and having a GREAT time.
When my day had been going well and then someone has to come and ruin it. Like wow.
Getting a bad grade on a test I studied so damn hard for. Wowwww.
That feeling you get in the morning when you feel like you're going to throw up even tho you didn't even eat anything...which causes you to NOT want to eat.
Teachers who just talk and talk and talk and talk and when the bell is about to ring, they start they "lesson of the day." Seriously? -_-
When I ask my mom if I can hang out with some friends and she says "no." And I say, "why?!" And she's says " cause I said so."
When I tell someone to stop bothering me yet they STILL keep on doing the same thing. It makes me want to slap them across the face.
When girls act all slutty. Eww.
When guys act different when they're with their friends.
When people lag and don't respond like 2 days later and I'm like "what are you talking about?" And I think to my self that they MUST be mental.
When people beg for likes in here or ask people "like for 3 likes?" UGHHHHHHHHHHHH.
When people say that Adalia Rose is pretty. Well truth is, she's not. In society. If you're not skinny, and if you don't have blue eyes and blonde hair, and a perfect smile, then you're not pretty. I'm not trying to be mean or anything but it's the TRUTH. Lots of people on here say that she's beautiful just to get likes.
When ugly people think they're good looking and when attractive people think they're ugly.
There's a lot more but I need to get ready for school. LOL I almost forgot. Another thing that annoys me is school. (:

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How are you so skinny?? :o

Ummmm idk if this is even a compliment....lol and well idk I run a lot. But it's funny cause I eat SOOOOOO much like you have NO idea. My parents give me $5 everyday and I end up wasting them only in nutrition and I have nothing left for lunch or after school. LOL.
Liked by: Harry Styles

Like, what exercises do you do? How often? Do you get tired fast? And how many lbs do you weigh?

I run 2 miles everyday except on Saturdays and Sundays...I run 5 miles cause I have more time. I love running so much <3
1) lunges
2) push-ups
3) sit-ups
4) the plank
5) cardio (aside from running)
6) tricep/bicep workouts
7) Pilates
8) leg-lifts (side and front)
9) calf raises
There's more but I can't remember right now. Do I get tired easily? No. I love working out. How many lbs? 98. And you can't work out too hard if you haven't worked out before. It's bad if you do that. Cardio is great for you and not only you burn calories but it helps your heart. The longer you exercise, the more you'll get used to it, just like I did. (:
Liked by: Harry Styles

Pretty girls in your classes?

1) Sarah, Julia, Elyss
2) Sarineh, Michelle P, Sarah, Julia
3) Madison and Anastasia
4) Michelle P, Rachel, Sarineh, Alicja, Mikaela and Farah
5) Hannah, Tyler, and Elody and Alyssa
6) LORENA. Lol she's my TA but still, Amy, Sabrina and that's it I guess...
I may have missed someone oops.
Liked by: Harry Styles

Go on kik! I sent you a message! (;

Lol I AM on kik you dumbass lol jk but yeah...I haven't gotten anything from anyone except the person I'm kiking LOL
Liked by: Harry Styles

HO on Kevin the one on the volleyball team

HAHAHA I was just talking to him after school lol. But yeah and he's really nice and funny! And he's cute (: lol
Liked by: Harry Styles


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