

Ask @GisselleSaravia

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The rant?

Well society is REALLY fucked up this generation...no joke. I mean, think about it, everything has changed and it's not like the old times when kids play outside and watched stupid cartoons...now, you see little 8 year olds talking about sex and sooner or later, they're going to be taught how to put a condom on a banana..like WTF and things aren't the same..trust me I have a little brother who's 7 years old and he knows stuff that I learned about when I was like 11..and it's kinda disturbing cause I didn't even KNOW what that was when i was his age.. Another thing that bothers me is that if someone tries to commit suicide and fail, they're just attention seekers and they'll get hate for it. But if it's a success then everyone will be saying "oh she:he was a wonderful person and he/she will be missed" and shit like that. And for girls: if you wear too much makeup: you're fake, if you DONT wear makeup: you're a loser/geek, if you have sex: you're a slut, if you DONT, then you're a loser (again) and for guys, well that's a different story...guys can do whatever the fuck they want but for girls, it's different cause they're girls and they might get pregnant and shit..but yeah something else that I really hate is racism, like WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU. We all might've thought that racism is gone, but when really, it's still present in many societies. There are many stereotypes and it's SO annoying. I hate it so much. And something else...if you don't have long blonde hair and light blue eyes and nice long legs and a flat stomach, you're not pretty. Girls have to have big boobs and a "nice ass" in order to be pretty. It's really fucked up and not right. Something else that bothers me is when people give anonymous hate. Seriously, because of askfm, MANY teens have vomited suicide and words are powerful like you have NO idea. Think, before you talk. There's something else...so I have a friend who's 17 years old (he's a guy) and he has a little brother who's like 9 and he smokes weed..(the little boy) wtf is that? Sooner or later, elementary school kids are going to get OT'd from their schools..that is SO wrong. And something that really pisses me off is when little 10 year old girls have and ig..ugh that gets me soooooo mad. But yeah, I can go on and on and on but I don't want to run out of space. But the point is that our generation is really fucked up.

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About how fucked up society is today..cause you rant GOOD.

Well, ok (: and thx but maybe later when I'm feeling more...idk..it's just that I'm in a pretty good mood right now and I don't want to ruin it by ranting about how fucked up society is lol so...later (:
Liked by: Harry Styles Sky


Language: English