
Lexi Lust♡

Ask @GlitterAttackxo

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awh! he sounds like a great Guy! you must really like him! I hope from the best for you 2 :)

Emma Marie
he is :)) &&; thank you! I wish you the best with your bf as well :)

that's good! because there are a lot of guys that are dicks.

Emma Marie
yeah lmao. he has his moments, just like anyone else. but I have my fair share as well ;) he's a little bit youngwe than me, so that's something I'm trying to get use to. especially since our maturity levels are different. but he is extremely sweet, and always knows how to make me smile. we are still getting to know eachother, so we are still adapting to each others personalities. so, by no means are we the perfect couple. but he makes me happy, and that's what really matters :)
Liked by: Emma Marie

what do you think about Vanessa Costello?

In all honesty, I think she is gorgeous. I mean, we use to live next to each other when we were younger, while I was Friends with her little sister. And Vanessa and I would get on each others nerves. Just like all kids do these days ;) I haven't talked to her since then. But she seems really smart, and has a good focus on where she wants to go, and what she wants to be when she grows up! And you don't find that these days anymore. I think she is the type of person someone should take out their time to get to know lol. I guess I should take my own advice.. ;) That is all!


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