
Joe Knight

If you could have dinner with any political figure, dead or alive, who would you pick?

I don't give 2 or any amount of shits for politics, anyone who reads this don't ask something like ¨But why would you give politics your shit¨, it's old, not funny, annoying and I will delete all of those questions

Latest answers from Joe Knight

What was the best movie of 2014?

Definitely not Frozen, that's all I can say. It was way too hyped for what it was

Who is the funniest comedian?

That's like asking "What's the best horror game?" I would only be ale to tell you my opinion, there's no real answer for it since everyone enjoys something others won't. Another example is Frozen, lots of people like it and would say it's the best Disney film however I hate it and thought the story line was stupid

How do you get in the pool?

Jump right in, the faster you're in the faster you adapt and it won't be as cold

Best music service? Pandora, Soundcloud or Spotify?

Since I've only used Soundcloud because I knew it was free, I'd have to say you can't really take my judgement

What age are you scared of?

18, and that it's happening this year, I'm becoming a man this year and that scares me

Language: English