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My boyfriend was using me financially for month's, the whole while, secretly plotting too leave me. I was manipulated and used while in a fragile mental state.. He reassured me the whole time that he cared deeply for me. Why couldn't he just tell me the truth?

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Because he was invented into a life that required him to maintain his lies as if they were truth. He was welded into his contingencies and his actions and it hurt you because he justified his choices due to his subdued double life consumed with lies and false promises. He envisioned himself in his lies to keep you dispositioned in the disruption of a what of mentality because he knew your heart would give him the benefit of the doubt in changing. He will become his own chaos let course take action and the law of life handle his discrepancies he will learn one way or another and you have learned to be able to discern informalities in such situations dealing with certain people. Grow from this and know that you will be supplicated due to the originality of your heart he then will realize he was the lesson while he missed out on you which is the blessing.

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Because then he would have to give up your bank account. People are cruel. They will do anything to save themselves and have you take the fall to save face. Sue him and go no contact. Be thankful he is gone.
Take the lesson and move on. Go no contact. He’s not worth anything. Your well being is what’s important

Language: English