

Ask @Greenmtndewxd

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if you wanna die then go to a fucking therapist and dont rant about it in ask. go talk to your parents or anyone else because this shit here is not gonna help.

I do go to a therapist ..bye jule

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i think im done, im not interested in your drama and i dont wanna be friends with you ever again, talk to you, be in the same conversation as you are. i just wanna forget this shit about you because you have made everything worse.

What the heck .When were you ever my friend besides when I was "sarah" I wont be any of your problems soon dont worry jule . Ill just pass away someday and I will buy you guys part supplies before it happens . bye

yeah i know.and do you know why you dont have anyone else? because you act like youre a leader and that you can tell everyone what to do. if youwould just stop accusing and talking shit maybe people would like you. because in my case, you just ruined it right now.

I dont act like a leader ... I don't wake up everyday to impress anyone . No one ever liked me anyways so youll be happy when I become alone ...

oh it reminded you ok but you dont fucking know that its me. i have enough, youre accusing everyone else of doing shit and then you cant even be brave enough to say the fucking truth. youre gonna loose everyone you still have if you keep acting like a judging bitch.

Loose who ? I have NO one besides Nicole,Alyssa,Anna,Mia,Becca ...... They understand me . So I shouldn't loose them..

yeah thats just exactly the fucking point! you told me. so why the fuck should i go on anon and ask you the same thing again.. smh. and no i wasnt the only one who told you to leave her alone, i just wasnt. stop telling me that im doing all of this, that its my fault because its not.

I just thought it was you because it just reminded me of you like how you talk or type ...It was you,trisha,and some anon ......

wait. you are a dude. what. didn't you say your name was sarah. omg. o.o

Yes I did I lied now do you see where lieing gets you ?

to believe you? just no. stop it, everyone is dealing with shit in this community so stop ranting about everyone else, youre not even a bit better. im done, stop talking about me and gtfo i have enough of your bullshit.

gtfo . Have you forgotten this is my page and Im not ranting about everyone else . just leave me alone

seriously if you cant live with the hate you shouldnt have lied in the first place and its just not the right place for you because your shit isnt helping at all. you say you dont stalk people and when someone writes about you a minute later you see it and say smth about it, and then were supposed

I see it on my homepage ! when I thought i unfollowed everyone .... gosh . okay go ahead just leave me alone you wouldnt understand any way and I told you why I lied ....

uhm justin please stfu. im not even asking you anon questions. i wastrying to be nice, help yiuand thats what i get from you? you tell everyone they should stop the shit talking and yourejust doing it by yourself. you criticize people, you dont let people be. /part1/

Im not even shit talking I thought it was you because you are the only one who kept telling me to leave her alone . Trying to be nice and help me by giving out most of my info that was betweens me and you and I dont even bother any one and Its just bullshit that im getting accused

Deadass you all take bullying to far, first off thats them let them be, second, everybody makes mistakes so stfu and stop criticizing people, you dont know what their going thru. your not them, instead cutting ass worry about yourself & getting an education. cause that cutting ass shit isnt cute ...


i could go off anon either way lol idc. i just want to know why you did it.

Go off anon then so I dont have to waste my time downloading this thing . I know its prob you Jule .

do i speak spanish ? i just want to fucking know.

Do you know they have ask.fm trackers :) Hi I just wanted to let you fucking know :) xo

we all know your sending mahida hate

Okay stop with your fucking bullshit . I no longer care for her and seriously I want proof . Like deadass Im about to pop your bubble ;x


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