

Ask @Greenmtndewxd

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what are you currently editing to ?

Echo by Jason Walker To Demi Lovato and Havanah Brown (I think) We run the night Multifandom

leave anne alone !

Shut the fuck up . If you think that was bothering her then you must be dumb . goodybye now Im gonna ignore your other questions you left me

im not even trying to, what im tryna do is kind of protect you from the stuff that might come, not from me though.

From who ,\ ?? Let them come to me I just posted one question and your all like leave Anne alone . I just said thanks for dislinking my videos because I got 6 from norway... ! So if they want to cause a fucking war because of that let them .

calm your nonexistent tits and leave her alone or its not gonna end nice for you.

Okay you do not control me . but thanks for leaving a question .

shes not. for example eliberg is from norway too so shush and leave her alone.

I only did that also because she commented on my videos with hate . SO ..................

um could you please stop judging anne for shit she hasnt done? ..

Can you leave me alone ? Gosh I just did that because I saw 5 dislikes from Norway and I know she's like the only one that lives there so goodbye .

who do you think is it

I dont want to say it because they might see it and cause a whole war saying I accused them its just a thought im not 100% sure .

I mean, why would I tell you? HE just got your conversation and that's basically all I'm gonna tell you. You just should watch out who you trust and who you don't trust.

I do watch who I trust I only spoke to 1 person about it and they couldnt have told because they said stuff too ... and I think I know who it is :)


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