
Grey vanderwater

Ask @Greyvanderwater124

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If you could visit the past or the future, which would you choose and where would you go?

The past so i can tell the old me no to make certain decisions that i regret in the past

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Where do you go for advice?

If i had friends i would go to them bur i really dont.....and if my parents cared then i would go to them.....but they dont

What makes you happy?

Sleeping because thats the only time i can stay living and actually be happy for once.

What does it mean when a girl smiles at a boy?

Shes being nice. And no it doesnt always mean she likes him.

Why are you trying so hard with Zach? He doesn't like you back he's just using you

Who is this?

Who do you trust most in your life?

No one......i have major trust issues because everyone i trust hurts me......


Language: English