
Hanim J

Ask @Haanie

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hani, hani, hani. do you still remember me? i just opened my aff account and saw your message but realized it too late that you already deactivated. i miss you, too. so much. let's talk soon!

felicia tatang
hey there felicia! of course i remember you! btw i'm such an a-hole for replying too late but okay at least i'm here now xD so how's life bb?

Hi Hanie unnie, idk if you remember me but I have the same bday as you! I was shocked when I saw you designing on Spotlight Posters, I thought it wasn't you when it's actually you. I wanted to request from you but oh well I alr requested w/ someone else. Anyways, keep up the good work yeah?

oh hey, who're you deary?! haha yeah i recently applied and got a spot there
it's okay tho cuz i'm not that good at making fanfic poster nowadays xD but thanks so much!

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Do any of the things that used to upset you a few years ago matter at all to you today?

of course! it's for my future tho T^T
but i guess i'm quite fine now :3

damn your pics are beautiful :3 what camera are you using? your smartphone maybe?

i'm using an iphone 5s :)

What was/is your impression of me? Why have you decided to make me your friend?

lol i don't remember exactly how we met the first time, but my first impression was, i think you're so friendly! i actually found out about you from Ysa cuz i saw you always commented on her thread updates and i checked on your stuff next. i really think you got such a cool style in designing so i've decided to talk to you afterwards then we became friends until now! :D you've become one of my fav hooman on aff besides Jess and Vivian! hehe it's so nice to meet you babe <33 huhu
Liked by: JX

Have you ever liked answering questions here in ASK.fm? What's so fun about it? XD

of course! but sadly, i don't get that much asks ?
Liked by: JX

hi kak hanie ya allah lama betul kita lost contact klau akak ingat sayalah yg slalu mintak tu mintak ni psal poster dkt fb hohoho dh tak aktif aff? btw kenape dgn minus.com eh? baru nk stalk2 artwork akak tapi gmbar x kluar

lol hiiii! who're you dear cuz ramai yang contact dekat fb asking for graphical stuff back then ._. haha and yeah minus sucks lately kan so i've changed to deviantart as my permanent portfolio or at least for now :)

You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?

well, the moment i became this fat and the moment i got a sucks result for the biggest exam in life ?

akak, saya dah download pattern dari devianart , ( nak jadikan define pattern dekat PS ) tapi mcmn nak masukkan kat dalam PS ?

hmm actually i never do that before but i guess sama je macam if you nak install action and stuff kan. sorry i cant help you with this ??

If someone liked you, how would you like them to tell you?

just be straight forward so i wont be questioning myself ?

Which male celebrity do you wish was your brother?

hurm, Aaron johnson or tyler posey would be nice since they're both so playful but hot xP

HOW CAN YOU MAKE BEAUTIFUL THINGS WITH PS?!?!?!?! omg, let me say that all your works are wonderful i hope someday i can do things like yours, give me an advice pls, how did you learn to make that graphics? because i'm a disaster, i need a teacher like you :((

hey, thanks so much for the compliments and such! of course i'm willing to share and give you some advises even though i'm not as good ._. just shoot me a pm together with your graphic (if you're from aff) or just simply send me a note on DA :)

i'm just your previous blog visitor, used to follow your tuto and visit your blog when i have free time. and no, we never talk before .

aww really? but everything is on private now i guess(?) how can you tracked me down tho thats kinda weird but haha okays :)

ah really, nothing just asking. i've been thinking too much about my future recently. have a nice day and may god blessed you <3 ^^

lol okayys. who are you anyway? i mean like, have we talked before?


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