
Hadi Mamdouh

مآهو شعوركك . . عنددمآ يبتسسم لكك شخص مآ ويلوح لكك بيدهه . . فتبتسم فرحآ وتبدأ بالتلويح ثم تكتشف أنهه في الحقيقهه يقصد شخصآ ورآءكك. . !؟

♥ ÅpÐÕ HãmÕzã
k2nk 3mlt bebe 3ala nfsk

Latest answers from Hadi Mamdouh

Would you rather be able to speak any language fluently or have the ability to talk to animals?

talk to animals

Do you smile at strangers? Why or why not?

:D :D dah ana abtsmlk bsbb wmn 8er sbb :D .. bs kont ... now aboslk b2rf

Language: English