
Scott's Fanpage

Whitney said that she has depression and anxiety. Is this true? Is it also true that she is homeschooled because of her anxiety?

Yeah... but she was homeschooled for several reasons... she’s not anymore since a long time... she normally goes to school, at least she did before quarantine lol

Latest answers from Scott's Fanpage

Hows life after quarantine?

Amazing ! Seems almost unreal to be able to walk around to the town again hahaha

When did hailie say she has a busy life ?

I don’t know😅😅 but possible i missed it somewhere hahahaha

So how hailie was in houston if eminem doesnt have a house there ?

Lmfao there do exist hotels? ... her boyfriends family members live there so she probably stayed over there

Kerola claims she wanted to message u but then u made her change her mind cause u said she disappointed ya🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 IT IS R I D I C U L O U S and I M M A T U R E omg i’m rollin go

I hardly believe at this point she wanted to message me at first... i mean, if i would be het, and someone would say i am their disappointment, it would just MOTIVATE me to talk with the person i failed with... 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

LoooooooooL shes pathetic. Its immature af to ignore u and dont talk u ... shes a coward

Her choice... the ones who know me, know i am always open to talk, confronts and clean things out... but i am not the one who failed so it’s not up to me to run behind anyone to talk. If she doesn’t care to message me, then i don’t care either

Why Whitney is not active on socials anymore ? Does she have any problems (mental health or at school) ?

She has reasons

Language: English