
Drake Jay Matheson

Ask @HailJeffy

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Why would you use PornHub, when you can use RedTube?

Because PornHub has the "5-7 year old" Category

What apps do you mostly use on your phone?

PornHub, CrackWhoreMagazine, and DeadBabyJokes oh and Facebook

Why do people lie?

Either to feel interesting, get theirself out of shit instead of taking responsibility, or to make people feel better by telling them what they need to hear, even though it's not exactly the truth that they need to hear.

What is the major problem in your city?

People trying to hard, even to the point of putting their selves in danger to "fit in"

What are you thankful for on this thanksgiving?

Got a pogey from my baby daddy to feed my baby give him a new set of clothes for the next three years

Who in your life do you wish you’d met sooner?

No one really, none of the people I've been friends with before aren't my friends anymore, and I like the friends I have now. Don't know what I' do without em

What makes you lose your temper?

Fat people.. They walk slowly in the middle of the hallway, always sweating, farting, funking up the place.. And it takes them an hour to drop fat fucking anaconda shits while I'm face to face with them trying to wash my face and brush my mother fucking teeth

At what age did you find out that Santa wasn’t real?

The administrators at Ask.fm obviously don't know what they're talking about.. Santa is definitely real!


Language: English