
Hana Hassanein

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Is your favorite time the past, present or the future?

El fat mat . (What happend is dead so forget about it) / present (the day you live is a gift )/future (is a mystery ) so I guess present

What is the most popular lie, people tell to each other?

I didn't do that
I'm fine
I didn't say that
(Do I even need to continue )

You're given one wish...what would it be?

I would wish for infinity wishes and then wish for my friends and family to be healthy and for the poor to be happy and for god to lead us to the right way etc.

What is the most important thing in being a good friend?

You should be truth worthy so your friend can talk to you about anything without u telling or judging ue should be honest and Cheer them up .you should trust them so they could trust you ! Just be the friend you always wished for <3

Why do people lie?

cause they are afraid and not strong they didn't get used to say the truth . but the truth lasts longer and one day they'll learn, but apparently on the hard way :P


Language: English