
Hana Hassanein

Ask @HanaHassanein

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What was the last YouTube video you saw?

Bassem youssefs last episode . Apparently I missed it on TV :p

What's the worst movie ever?

No need la7san yerfa3oh adiya Iny wa7asht som3et el film aha hahahahah jkjk

If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?

I would get rid of all the Bully's they make sooo many people feel useless and insult them. Whiteout any reason ! Why would someone do that I mean everything has beauty if you do t see it it's your problem . Do you gain any credit for bullying others and judging them ? This makes me so angry so I'm just gonna stop writing before I use bad words .
Liked by: dania hammouda

Reham magdii??

Words can't describe her she's the definition of perfect ! I couldn't imagine my life without her she's awsome cool kind nice funny hahahahaha do I even need to continue ? I do t think so because I could spend years writing about how awsome she is :* BEGAD ILOOOOOOOVVVVVEYOUU . You seriously don't know how important you are to me ^.^

Do you have a crush on someone ? :D if yes on who. ?

No :D , actually wait I love food and sleep does that count :p hahaha

What song best describes your day today?

I don't know my day was really mixed so I don't think a song exists ( I don't know one ) which does !


Language: English