

How did you know you was in love?

Okok,this is how I felt before we got together..as well as now..
Whenever I saw her,my heart would skip so many beats!
I have butterflys in my tummy whenever I talk to her
When I look in her eyes..I get lost
When she hugs me I feel safe
I enjoy her company,always have and always will
When we first got together&admitted our feelings to eachother,I was crying with happiness&thats never happened before,I can't stop smileing now..just thinking back too it
I remember the day after we admitted our feelings&we wasn't together but just flirty the whole time&ash made it totally obvious that phe fancyed me 'omg you're blushing' 'omg you're bright red',then later that day I asked her out..the best day of my life tbqh,I'll never forget that,ever!

Latest answers from Heather♡.

Would a girl be happy dating a very open-minded man who is caring but a bit feminine?

I dont see why not

Language: English