
Héléna Bou Doumit

Ask @Helenasbd

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I mean can we talk on our ask accounts and don't post means i ask u something and you reply back to my ask account and not post it over here, Okay?

Liked by: Jenny

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I'm nice, with everyone . Fun being around.
I'm cool with everything , I'm never easily making upset.
I'm cold like water and sometimes rude.
But I wont let anyone fool me.
Liked by: Jenny

Hey! We are some group of girls supporting you! Youre so strong and yoi have a big logic I know demi is your idol because her story is like you! She got into real shit and she stayed strong Youre so like her! We are here supporting you You're evey girls dream best friend!

Ohhhh thats so sweet!!! I love this!!
Demi is my idol because of this!
I wish i could meet her and talk to her!
Because she's such a strong person i adore her!
Thank you so much! Big love

Well someone must be taking his last breathe now so you should be happy that you are alive and fine! why are you dying to live when you are living to die?

I'm not actually dying to live.. Thats so stupid no one will ever fight to live in a filthy , stupid life like this. I will never die to live because i will die.
And I hope that people will under stand this

Do you think of getting close to her again?

Why not? W ma sar shi w eza hiye sem3a shi ana ma khasne:) If she believes people without asking It's not my fault. It's not a mistake trusting her.
But she wants this

Thinking of suicide?

Because I wont say why me?
I will say try me and show people how people can be strong and go through hard levels and then win.
I will never lose

I think your so hurted...

No one like me will be hurted or is hurt.
No one will taste the pain of my sick body and my shitty life
I have some great parents but not a great life

Are you broken?

I am. But voices are telling me to move on. What should i do grab her by her hair and hit her just to stay with me? She's free to taste all kinds of people!

Did she hurt you?

She did by walking away and not talking to me anymore , she did when I see her happy with other people and laughing. Because we can't laugh anymore. She did when she looks at me in a way like " I dont need you , helena " . I showed her the best just to make her happy she was the 1 in a million. She was my enemy and now I'm a survivor to not look at her anymore or hug her. She changed and I cant take it anymore. I wont her hurt I swear , but I wont let anyone close in my whole life because I'm hurted enough. I'm always a beast smiling.
I miss our talks , our nuit blanche , all of those memories. I hope she's having a good time without me. Because she lived and she will live without me. I'm no longer here , i will be breathing , but not like the days she was here next to me.
She's a part of me. I'm incomplete but i'm fine. Now stop asking me questions and stop making me crying.

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Tab chou sar? 3abele a3ref men 7a2 l sha3eb ya3ne

Look you filthy bitch , ma hada khaso , ma sayir shi ma ba2 tetwahame , jenny ensen ra2e3. Dont be a pathetic dog crying for a bone that he wont have it. Fa zema w khalas

Allah 7a2a2le 7elme w khena2kon

Khaye ma tkhena2na bass ba2a. I think she got her own life her own road bass ana ma bensiya khalsine ba2a men hal haraket ana m2akade eno ma btensine w ana ma bensiya fa khalas

Ade bet 7ebe jenny hajj?

I have 50,000 nerves , youre getting on every single one:). W ad ma fi bashe3a bi wejjak w ad ma fi sha3er bi rasak.
And I found a great job for you.
Get some cameras and put them in every single home and i'll give you some shit to eat great reward.
Now fuck off


Language: English