
Nameless Wonder

Latest answers from Nameless Wonder

Hi. I need an advice. Is it ok to send a message to the girl who almost wreck my relationship with my boyfriend? Its more than a year, but it keeps on bothering me. I just wanted to know the real story because my bf wont like to share it since he doesnt want to bring that issue again.

You can ask her, i don't really see why not, just be really courteous about it, just ask her what happened and everything, don't hold grudges, because what happened happened and you cant really change it, also your boyfriend should be telling you the truth if he still refuses to he's not being completely honest about the whole thing, tell him that you're gonna ask her if he doesn't speak up. keep him informed and then see how he responds. If he's still hiding then dump him, its just not worth it. if you're going to keep secrets like this. both of you are supposed to be best friends,you've got to have each other's back and trust each other. I'm so sorry i didn't see this earlier. i haven't really had the time. Good luck tho i hope you get your answers and all's good. xoxo - N

i need help idk what i'm doin help me please and if you can please dont judge me for what i did

Tell me - n

Is it normal for 2 people to share a relationship but they don't know what it is? No limits or boundaries, just unconditional support but no name to it. What do you think this is ?

that's upto both of you to label it what you want, if you both are okay with this relationship and all its standards, then that's your decision, just do what feels right. x - N

Me and my friend kissed..not once but several times in one night. idk what to do anymore. He is never going to date and ik that for sure. idk what to do

have you developed feelings for him? if you have then talk to him about it, tell him how you feel, or you could also just be friends with benefits, see whatever floats your boat. Good luck x - N

does looking at someone's lips when they talk is a sign that they wanna kiss u????????????????????

they might be attracted towards you - N

why r majority of d guys assholes ?

Well, i have no response to this, people are just assholes irrespective of gender, -_- - N

a friend of mine keeps gently touching me like putting my bangs away from my face when i'm well capable of doin so. do u thnk there's something more to this

Not necessarily, you need to have more signs and not just this, if there are more signs then theres a possible chance they maybe attracted towards you, or this is completely platonic -N

ALL(by all i actually mean all) my friends are in relationship and im the single one. i feel happy for them bt sometimes i feel like im nt good enough(.a 21 yr old girl here)

I can relate to you because its the same for me. Don't think or underestimate yourself by calling yourself not good enough, You're fabulous, maybe you need to wait for the best, i know third wheeling sucks, but till you are single embrace how you're completely independent and you're not answerable to anyone but yourself, flirt around, have fun, maybe it's taking so long coz you dont deserve fuckboys who cant handle you with all your amazing self. :3 much love x - N

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