

Ask @Holly_StokesX

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how long you grounded for

fuck knows probably all this week depending on how the meeting goes and what mood my mums in

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On Taylor's story there was a photo of Patrick and Eleanor hugging

he can do what he wants I couldn't give less of a shit.

Why do people use the word 'fuck boy'? Because it sounds shit.

because they fuck with your head - headfucks, fuckboys same thing

Why are u and Patrick not speaking anymore

because he said he'd rather be mates cus were not gettin anywhere?so I said okayy

oh i spose thats why then cause she gotta go for a meeting? :S

probably, but apparently my behaviour is gettin bad even tho I've done fuck all, so she's told my mum to go in for a meetin

oh you are grounded and you dont even know what you did wrong?

nopee, just got a text from my mum tellin me I'm grounded and that she's gotta go in school on Tuesday for a meetin cus my head of year whos a cunt is apparently concerned about my behaviour??

Why does the girl never propose

cus idk, just always bin the guy anit, girls have proposed to the guy but it's raree


Language: English